Rask's Statement

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DoF Archive
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Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:25 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 1:07 AM Central Daylight Time
From: RDI Rask

((An OOC note: I was on LOA from active duty on AOL until last week. That is the main reason Rask had not posted his thoughts on this matter until now.))

::The official seal of the Outback's current Supervisor; Rask, heads the parchment::

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, allow me to apologize for being so late in my response to the current opinions posted on these boards. Those who know me, know that I would not hide behind patrons, nor would I simply ignore posts such as this. I felt that this matter required much thought before I responded. I took some time on an unexpected Leave of Absence to carefully consider what was said in the past and what has been said since. I felt that to respond before I
returned to the Outback, would be senseless.

To be honest, the Outback bar had some problems with termites several weeks ago and it seems that a few of them found their way to my residence. Much of my time was occupied with removing the infestation and rebuilding my home.

Now on to the matter at hand.

Sir Walker,

I must admit that I am not sure where all of this is coming from. I understand that you felt the need to "defend" Ms. Colton. But defend her from what? Before I continue, allow me to repost a transcript of my original speech from when the Blue Opal was apparently destroyed. I have seen it quoted by a few people. I will highlight some of the things I think are particularly pertinent.

::Below is a typed version of Rask's speech as it pertained to Shanni Colton::

Now... to address the individual who perpetrated this act. Shannon Colton's name has already been removed from the Standings by her request. I have considered banning her from the Outback. This is the second time I know of that she has retired in a fit. When you take into account her actions with the Blue Opal, it would seem that I have no choice
but to ban her.

But... I am not banning her. So... what punishment does she receive, you might ask? The only one that suits her actions. The very punishment she brought upon herself. I will never look at Shanni's 134 Wins over Losses in the same way again. She
has tainted each one of those wins in a way that she can never undo. For all of her lofty words... for all of her posturing and righteous thoughts, she has gained nothing. She could think of nothing better,
nothing more poignant than destroying an Opal. How unoriginal... How sad that a person who speaks about the Good of the game can, in the end, only destroy a part of it.

I know that my words will mean nothing to Shanni herself. And that is okay. Because, Shanni now means nothing to me. Her hollow words mean nothing to anyone because her actions have proven her to be little more than an ill tempered thug, incapable of doing anything but deprive the community of something they hold dear. That is Shanni's punishment and I hope... no... I *know* she will be able to live with it. She has always deluded herself into
believing she was more important than she actually was. And she always will. And that is the worst punishment I can imagine.

::There is a brief space where the handwritten letter now resumes::

I have never banned nor censured Ms. Colton in any way. In all actuality, I did not punish her at all.

The majority of my speech was simply stating my own thoughts and opinions regarding the situation as it was known at that time.

If you wish me to say that I was mistaken about the destruction of the Blue Opal, then I shall. It seems more and more likely that the real Blue Opal was in fact *not* destroyed that night. I was as duped as the rest of the DoF Community.

However, my personal opinion of Ms. Colton's actions have changed very little. As you are fond of saying, not I, you, or anyone else is qualified to speak of Shanni's true intentions. It is just as possible that her intent was to keep the Opal for herself and she changed her mind after realizing the full impact the action had.

You post an interview you had with Izzy to prove that Shanni never destroyed the Blue Opal. You point out the fact that it was returned to the DoF staff before her name was removed from the Standings. Allow me to point out that she chose to return it not to the Supervisor, but to Goon. It is true that Goon was the assistant at the time, but if Shanni truly had no ulterior motives, then let me ask you this. Why did she not return it to me?

Again, her intentions are irrelevant. I think it is fairly obvious that Shanni planned on tricking the entire community. The reason does not matter. It was her wish that everyone *believed* the Blue Opal was gone.

And in essence, it was. She made no attempt to insure that Goon knew what he had and knew what to do with it. These actions hardly seem honorable to me.

I have never denied that Shanni is a founding member of DoF and that without her, the sport would probably not exist as we know it. However, she is not, nor ever was, the entirety of the sport. NO ONE is above the sport as a whole.

I said in my speech that "Her hollow words mean nothing to anyone because her actions have proven her to be little more than an ill tempered thug, incapable of doing anything but deprive the community of something they hold dear. That is Shanni's punishment...". Perhaps I should rephrase and say that her hollow words mean nothing to "many people", and not "anyone".

I make no attempt to persuade others into feeling the same way I do. The fact remains that *I* will never look at Shanni's 134 Wins over Losses in the same way again.

Since I levied no actual punishment against her, I would ask to know what I am to apologize for? If you ask me to apologize for my thoughts, I cannot. In my mind, Shanni never viewed what she did as wrong in any way. She never hinted at nor offered an apology to the Community or the staff. In her mind, what she did was right. In my mind, it was still wrong. The rest of you are free to feel and think whatever you will.

I believe I've said everything that is relevant to the current discussion. My office is always open and I frequently visit the boards. If Sir Walker or anyone else would like to state their views on my opinions, I can promise that it will be responded to much quicker than this last discussion.

RDI RaskDoF Supervisor
DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:26 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 4:45 AM Central Daylight Time
From: DalamarMaj

::as he looks over the post he can't help but appluad::Damn, I wish I could have said it like that.
DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:26 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 7:30 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Drakewyn I

M'Lord Rask.

After reading your side of the situation, I cannot help but be more firmly entrenched in my support of you, both as the supervisor of this sport and as a person in general.
Remain true to yourself and to your ideals.

Lady Drake, aka the Gryphon.
DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:28 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 5:06 PM Central Daylight Time
From: LoneWolfBW

A few of your points, good sir, simply do not jibe.

>>I have never banned nor censured Ms. Colton in any way. In all actuality, I did not punish her at all.
>>Her hollow words mean nothing to anyone because her actions have proven her to be little more than an ill tempered thug, incapable of doing anything but deprive the community of something they hold dear.

These statements are in conflict. What are you doing there, sir, if not making a moral judgment of her character? Who are you, any more than I, to say she is an "Ill-tempered thug"? And if YOU believe so, what business have you of saying that in an official capacity?

>>The majority of my speech was simply stating my own thoughts and opinions regarding the situation as it was known at that time.

And you did so in your official capacity as leader of DoF. You should have no right to post your "personal thoughts and opinions" in an official way - that is effectively stating that what YOU say, is the stance of the sport itself. And you do not have the right to speak for everyone, I am sorry.

>>If you wish me to say that I was mistaken about the destruction of the Blue Opal, then I shall. It seems more and more likely that the real Blue Opal was in fact *not* destroyed that night. I was as duped as the rest of the DoF Community.

Sir, I have stated publicly that I believed you were acting under the facts as you knew them. I do not fault you for not knowing the truth - the intent of my actions, as I've stated before, is to ask you to apologize for the words you used, that have been clearly proven inappropriate to what REALLY happened. Ms Colton is not "incapable of doing anything but depriving the community of something they hold dear", and again, you've little room to judge
that she is in fact an "Ill-tempered thug".

>>However, my personal opinion of Ms. Colton's actions have changed very little.

Then, sir, they should be posted as your personal opinions, not as an official statement from the sport's leader. I cannot stress this enough - that was totally inappropriate.

>>As you are fond of saying, not I, you, or anyone else is qualified to speak of Shanni's true intentions. It is just as possible that her intent was to keep the Opal for herself and she changed her mind after realizing the full impact the action had.

But you don't know that, do you. So perhaps you're just spreading speculation by continuing to imply it.

>>You post an interview you had with Izzy to prove that Shanni never destroyed the Blue Opal. You point out the fact that it was returned to the DoF staff before her name was removed from the Standings. Allow me to point out that she chose to return it not to the Supervisor, but to Goon. It is true that Goon was the assistant at the time, but if Shanni truly had no ulterior motives, then let me ask you this. Why did she not return it to me?

The fact, sir, remains - she did return it to not only an official of the sport, but your own assistant. "Why" is irrelevant here, unless you'd like to ask her yourself. The facts are that she DID return it, post haste. You may speculate until the end of time WHY.

>>And in essence, it was. She made no attempt to insure that Goon knew what he had and knew what to do with it. These actions hardly seem honorable to me.

Nor does it seem honorable to me that you disregard the fact that she did return it in good faith. Now you are seeking to impugn even that fact, by chasing the shadows of small details.

>>I have never denied that Shanni is a founding member of DoF and that without her, the sport would probably not exist as we know it. However, she is not, nor ever was, the entirety of the sport. NO ONE is above the sport as a whole.

That's right. No one..neither founder, or Coordinator.

>>I said in my speech that "Her hollow words mean nothing to anyone because her actions have proven her to be little more than an ill tempered thug, incapable of doing anything but deprive the community of something they hold dear. That is Shanni's punishment...". Perhaps I should rephrase and say that her hollow words mean nothing to "many people", and not "anyone".

A good start. But perhaps you'd say it firmly, and not dance around it to avoid any committment to that statement. You do not have the right to say that they meant nothing to "anyone".

>>Since I levied no actual punishment against her, I would ask to know what I am to apologize for?
>>I make no attempt to persuade others into feeling the same way I do

Sir, you used the public forum of the Duel of Fists boards, and your standing as the leader of that sport, to make those statements. As you made them in an official capacity, you are effectively saying "It is the judgment of the DoF Coordinator that Ms. Colton is an ill-tempered thug..et al".

If you wanted to post YOUR opinion, sir, you should not have done so within the confines of your office. These two elements: Your "official" statement, and (As you yourself admitted) your personal feelings, had and have no business being together. In effect, you used your office to vent your personal feelings on Ms. Colton's actions, and that, Signor Rask, is inexcusable. Though I see Ms. Drakewyn approves, I personally find it distasteful that
you would use your office for such a thing.

If you wish to speak your mind, sir, then I also applaud you. But if you wish to make your personal thoughts on Ms. Colton known, AS YOU HAVE ADMITTED TO DOING HERE, then you've no right to do it in an official capacity.

I can see that you've no intent on addressing my original point - that you made statements about Ms. Colton personally that did not fit her actions, and that those statements deserve an apology. Not for stating the facts as you knew them, but by maligning her for doing something that, as it turns out..she NEVER did. And as I've also stated, for using your position to state your personal views.

Then sir, I have but one thing to say. Do as you will, and I hope that you will never be in the same position, that I must defend you as well.

Let the mutual admiration society continue..


DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:28 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 7:36 PM Central Daylight Time
From: DalamarMaj

::slaps himself in the forehead::Oh lord. Here we go again.::walks away from the boards::
DoF Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:29 pm

Date: 1/31/1999 11:18 PM Central Daylight Time
From: JesseTroyn

Jesse dragged himself out of a chair and away from the table where he has been hanging out with some of his friends off hours. He wandered lazily over to the boards and read, taking a long drag off his cig.

"Gimme a break," he muttered under his breath. Then he swaggered back over to the table and dropped back into his chair, leaning back and propping his booted feet up on the table.

"Ya know, I heard Walker is biblically familiar with sheep... That probably explains why he's so damn irritable.. or maybe irritating. Hell, make that 'C', all of the above." Jesse mused with a smug grin.

To which Harris quickly responded with a smiliar smirk, "Probably got one of them sheep stuck up.."

He didn't bother finishing, seeing Jesse had already been distracted by the appearance of a cute little blond number. That was usually the end of a conversation for him.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Rask's Statement

Post by DoF Archive » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:30 pm

Date: 2/2/1999 1:01 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Dare Elan

::a letter in a strong even print was tacked up on the board::

Since I'm not an official of the duels, I have no restrictions on my opinions. Anyone who knows me knows that I've never been one to keep my opinions to myself. I see no reason to be different in this situation. Those who read, read at your own risk, you may very well be offended by what lies herein penned by my hand.

On the night of a Diamond Quest, the most prestigious night of the sport we hold in high regard, destruction occurred. I don't speak of the destruction of a thing, but rather of an ideal. One young woman, with more problems than many of us have seen our whole lives long, acted out of desperate impulse because she apparently didn't know what else to do to save what she loved. So she pretended to kill part of it in a misguided effort to stop
what she perceived as a cancer.

Did she succeed? I don't know. I think that if she did, it was in some very small measure -- so small as to be incalculable. I believe that in her act of destruction -- for whether real or imagined a violent act of destruction it was perpetrated with a real weapon in halls where weapons have long been eschewed -- resulted in many things far worse than that which may have been gained.

I think that what was so sorrowfully destroyed, in part, was the image of Ms. Colton herself as a fair and honorable dueler. For the most part, when mentioned now, her name garners sighs of "oh no, not again," rather than, "wasn't she great? God, I miss her..." That reaction in itself is one of the most damaging blows the sport of fists has suffered; the loss of pride and respect for Shanni. Surely, there was a time when we all had those
feelings for one of DoF's original shining stones. Also, on that fateful night, Ms. Colton destroyed for a victorious Diamond the thrill of winning his sport's highest honor -- something that is all too rare. If he thought she was correct in doing so that only takes away some small portion of the damage done. So many others have wished to participate in the Diamond Quest and have not in large part because of how Ms. Colton, with all due
respect to her memory, has behaved innumerable times in the past to the chagrin of many in the sport. She had her day, as the saying goes, when she won the Diamond, yet was discontent to let others have their victories.

In a very personal way, I was present to see and to feel these things for myself. I mourn for the bad taste left in the mouths of the duelers who saw what I saw. I mourn for what has been lost and what has been tarnished by the childish "leave in a blaze of glory" behavior of one disturbed, and sadly now apparently dead, woman. And I mourn for her as well, for I liked her well enough. It saddens me that I never saw her happy or even smiling. And
now it seems too late.

Shannon Colton can't take back or apologize for the feelings she hurt, the strife she caused between patrons by this single dishonorable act in a sport she espoused to love. Her action left no worthwhile lasting impression, only one of sadness. Bitterness and continued controversy follow her action and it's repercussions. I know one thing for certain: she's gone and the destruction in her wake has brought no good that I can see.

The Outback goes on as before ... duels in, duels out. If changes come, they are brought about by those who actively participate, not those who dramatically cut their losses and run -- whatever their reasons.

In regard to whether or not our resident official, Mr. Rask, ought to apologize, I think that's unwarranted. I can only come to the conclusion that Ms. Colton's final act in the Outback was wasted energy and that an apology to a ghost would be a further waste of the same. The fact that she didn't destroy the Blue is not something she for which she ought to be honored by Rask's offering an apology to a memory. Any sane person *wouldn't* have
destroyed part of something they loved just to make a point. She was rightfully regarded as an "ill-tempered thug" at the time for what she appeared to have done. Thug has come to mean more than it's original root word which meant "thief," but in that definition, Mr. Rask was correct, at the time. I feel he stands correct, recent events notwithstanding. A thief becomes no less a thief for returning something he stole. Is a two-second thief less
guilty than a twenty-four hour thief? I think not. Ms. Colton's action was not honorable because it involved deceit. She deserved the reward she garnered, a sullied reputation, and in fact since she was retiring from the sport regardless, she got off rather lightly.

As someone has said, her memory isn't stained but for the stains she herself placed upon it by her own actions.

With all respect,
Darien Elan