Sits down with new rules

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DoF Archive
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Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:20 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 12:26 AM Central Standard Time
From: Coynz

::Finds a chair to sit at while he peruses the new rules he recived in the mail::

::Nods approvingly and comments to himself:: Spinkick vs Duck, that was needed.
::Chills run up and down his spine in horror:: A new Rank! Oh, God, what have they done. ::thinks this can lead to nothing but trouble::

::reads on in shock:: opals....rules for opals..... challenges for opals.....emeralds vs vs vs emeralds ::mumbling getting quieter by the sentence::

::Finally reaches the end, or so he thinks:: Fients and Fancies combined.....hmmmmm, it'll work and good to see they went on a diet. Less is more.

::Jaw drops as he begins the next section "Emerald vs Opal":: 2 duelers, 1 duel = 2 duels? Total duels? An average of 6 duelers dueling 5 times counting for 23 duels means that an Emerald dueled 3 times (assuming no more than 6 of them were dueling Jade or below opponents) has an average of 3.4 on the richter scale?

Brackets in the Emeralds! That's another rank! Great Galloping Goons! What's happening?

::Reads on like one gawks at car wrecks hoping they won't see anything but looks anyway::
An Emerald that has an above average dueling record gains a % discount added to his WoL! Now they get to be Upper Tier Emeralds AND get extra WoL %'s and get to oppress even their fellow Emerald now!

::Holding the paper in one hand he puts his elbow on the table and leans his furrowed brow in his other hand:: Now lets recap? If Shanni has 140%, Tarl 80% and Bobby 80% but Bobby had fish on thursday and Shanni plans to travel to Tibet via astral project then the final numbers are Shanni 43%, Bobby 3.14159% and Tarl $*@!#% and now no one really knows what the heck is going on?!

::Puts the paper down and posts a note::

I am 56% sure I have no idea what I just read, 62% sure that one RDI must be an accountant, 89% that only the persons in charge of this thing will know what is really happening, and 100% sure (No bonus %'s needed) that I am heading back to the Glass ranks where it is safe and secure and everyone knows what they are, where they are and how they got there.

::Wanders out mumbling:: More ranks. We will regret this.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:22 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 6:14 AM Central Standard Time
From: RDI Ringo

In response to Coy...

Emeralds will not get bonuses to their WoL's. They get bonuses on their winning percentages for the Emerald bracketing only.

<< More ranks. We will regret this. >>

Possibly.... But I don't remember your objections at the Roundtable discussions. Though, I will admit, it is kinda hard to object when you are not there.

DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:24 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 1:23 PM Central Standard Time
From: DRegan32

Also in response to Coy....

It had been our hope (we being the DoF RDI's) that attendance at the roundtable would be higher so that we could get a broader view of the opinions of the patrons and duelers of the Duel of Fists. Sadly to say attendence was not what we expected and a very low minority was allowed to make some very broad changes to the face of DoF.

I understand that many of you have duties outside of the realm of RhyDin that keep you from attending the discussions, such things can't be helped. I know many of you have told me that you would have liked to attend but couldn't for X reason.
However the important thing I think we all need to keep in mind is that all these rules are being taken under consideration for *this* cycle. We will use the Opal rank, the emerald ranking system etc. in a *test* version for this cycle. Come the end we will review what happened and see what worked great, what isn't so hot, and what we have to send Coy to Grad school for =)

Please keep an open mind if possible. There are many of us from Ringo on down that would to see changes to even what we have now. But if you will remember we were still debating issues from *last* fall. It was time to put some ideas in place rather then grumble about nothing being done.

My recomendation to Coy and to all of you is to keep an eye on what happens. Make a note of the things that you like and things you do not like, but give everything its fair shake. That way when you attend the next rules discussion or send a message to Ringo personally ((that is RDI folks, open 24/7 to serve you ::evil grins::)) you will be able to make an informed and helpful suggestion. Things like that benefit us more then saying
"I don't like that/I like that"


(( This is my first post with the new boards. Please join me in prayer that it gets to the right spot.;) ))
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:27 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 5:06 PM Central Standard Time
From: Coynz

::On the way home Coy had time to think about the new rules and ranks.::

Hmmmm, maybe this is a blessing in disguise for the Lower Ranks. Now the Emeralds et al. have to duel each other in order to attain Opal or High Emerald. That means they will start turning on each other.
::a smiles washes across his face:: And if the Lower ranks refuse to duel the Emeralds then they will win and lose at their own expense. Theoretically, Most Emeralds will go 50/50 against their own. Soon, there will be virtually no Emeralds to speak of!

::Turns his horse to Helg's place and sets off at a gallop to tell the Eternal Glass of his new plan::
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:30 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 5:11 PM Central Standard Time
From: J Oaknshld

::would just hate to point out to Coy that a 50/50 streak = 0 WoLs and the Emeralds would just be back to where they Emerald. but couldn't bear to break the news to Coy so he stays quiet::
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:31 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 5:32 PM Central Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz

Speaking as one whose work schedule keeps me away a lot, and completely kept me out of the Roundtable discussion (though I'm certain there was at least one person involved who knew my thoughts on certain matters, and and took them into account at least to the extent of playing Devil's Advocate in regard to their own opinions)...Frankly, I think every idea implemented is sound, and is going to help. While DoF - unlike DoS - is in a position where the players there don't really need any rule-forced roleplaying assistance (yes, this is a compliment), the fact is that because the nature of the game is solely based on winning duels, with no roleplaying outlet within the game (you can't roleplay your way into any position in the Outback; you duel until you become Emerald, then you duel in the DQ for the top prize), the new rank was really sort of needed if DOF is to be anything other than a simple wargame with roleplayers just happening to participate.What I'm counting on (more as an observer than a participant, since unless something happens allowing me to be in DoF on a firmly regular basis, I certainly won't be seeking a rank above Emerald) is that the high quality of roleplay that has surrounded the game here will carry over into the roleplay surrounding the new ranks - and show DoS how it ought to be done.Personally, having gotten back around a bit and seen some of you that are either new, or that I never really knew before, I have faith it will happen just like that. :)
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:32 pm

Date: 10/8/1997 9:54 PM Central Standard Time
From: JammerZ33

I agree with Ringo and Nate partly, but Coy's right too....frankly, I'm too worn out to right a detailed post right now, so I'll just get down to it.
I know that not many people came to the Roundtables, but there were posts on the boards as well, specifically about the Rule Changes, and some ideas in both the RT and the boards that were popular in the majority never came in to play. Just saying that nothing written in stone until it gets to the final stop in the approval stages. There's no guarantee that *all* of the popular ideas will make it, much less the others.

DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Sits down with new rules

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:36 pm

Date: 10/10/1997 12:03 AM Central Standard Time
From: Coynz

::While riding along and mulling over the details of his grand plan something nagging in the back of his mind comes to the fore::

Dang! A 50/50 streak leaves the dueler in the same position. ::dejection fills him to the very core::

Now how am I to save the Ranked from themselves?

::rides home in a funk::