Tis' note to Jeff.

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Tis' note to Jeff.

Post by DoF Archive » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:57 pm

Date: 10/12/1997 12:02 AM Central Standard Time
From: TismanBRos

::tacked low enough for Jeff to see hung a small note::

To the 11th Diamond of the Duel of Fists...

I bid you my highest respects Jeffrey. Congratulations on your win. I know that you will do your best to be the Diamond that we all know you have the potential to be. You fought with much honor in the ring, and that is a quality that all do not possess. My hopes are that you may be the champion of the people, that you find in the Diamond the respect and honor that you seek. My hopes are that you are recieved well, and recieve others with
the warm hand of friendship and bright smile of comradery that you have shown in this, the 11th Diamond Quest.

Travel well Mr. Oakenshield, may your steps be quick and your heart light.

Ian Munro
Tisman Black Rose
Opal of The Duel of Fists
Commissioner of TTDoF

::had to wince as he added his titles to the end, knowing that Coy is *really* going to have something to yell about now::