All was said, now done...

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All was said, now done...

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:40 pm

From: (RedSonyaXX)
Date: 16 Mar 1999 09:54:09 EST

She had done what she said she was going to do, she could take comfort in at least that. Red stood just outside the arena, a combat booted foot resting on the first step that lead from the cavern to the Inn above. The noise of the crowds, one above-one below, filtering and blending and yet she could still make out Drakes' distinct voice calling out the results of a round.

He looked much like he had the last time she saw him, the only difference being her perspective on things. She had been through more than she wanted to the past few months since she rode out of Rhydin, since she fled if she was to be honest with herself.

She did not feel like the same person she had been when she tacked up her short, albeit poetic(her type of poetry anyway) goodbye. Perhaps she thought that Rix should have appeared different, perhaps the fact he didn't bothered her in some manner she refused to admit.

Red stood so deep in thought she didn't realize she had company until Trent's hand was on her shoulder, his deep, resonant voice filled with concern,"Red, you alright?".

Covering up her startlement by taking a step up, waving a hand dismissively,"Yeah, no problem, did what I came to do and now we can go."

Trent never let her get off easy, it was his biggest flaw, it was also why he was such a good friend. "You thinking of dueling again Red?".

Oh, the question *seemed* innocuous, every time he said anything that dealt with Rhydin or Rix the words always had that insipid quality. She was in no mood to rise to the offer of a shoulder to cry on and so her tone was carefully controlled as she spoke.
"Nah, all those that may have remembered me, like... Guild God, Brian, eh... maybe Seamus, aren't around much anymore and likely not to care even if they were. Probally happy not to see me, Boris or my dart gun."

The last words were meant to sound light and jovial but even to Red's ears they sounded like a wounded puppy whimpering. To her surprise and relief Trent didn't press the issue, he slid an arm around her shoulders and started guiding her up the stairs. "Sounds to me like you could use a strong shot of milk and maybe, just maybe a chocolate chip cookie or two.", he smiled softly, "My treat of course."

She knew her expression flooded with gratitude but it wasn't in her nature to allow Trent to think her completely defeated by old emotions,"Your treat? As I recall there was the little wager on whether I could get myself banned from ten stores in that last town within two days that you lost...".

Trent's laughter echoed through the stairwell as they moved further from the arena, further from the place she had long ago left her heart.