Philosophy for the Mind. -Think, don't write-

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Philosophy for the Mind. -Think, don't write-

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:33 pm

From: (AndrewFrcr)
Date: 27 Mar 1999 00:45:04 EST

::finds a seat next to the posting boards and scoots it up to the nearest table, he pulls out his gold pen and his personalized paper with a gold lining just below his name::

From The Desk Of
Andrew Forcer

As I believe - time is in a parallel dimension with itself. What happens now and what happens a minute ago is happening at the exact same time. Explanation: I drop two pens, exactly the same on the exact same point from the exact same height - one minute apart. The pen falls in the same place, but at different time periods, therefore making timing exactly the same within one minute.
That is only in one dimension. When I dropped the second pen, the first one fell at the same time in another dimension.

If you understand, continue to read. If not, stop because you're going to have a headache. ::figures 3/4 of the people who read this will not continue - also figures that 1/5 will continue reading because they need to read everything that is written on these boards; make that 3/5::

For every happy moment, it continues on forever.
For every bad moment, it continues on forever.
For every moment, it continues on forever.
If there are good moments, recall on them. No point to recall on bad. You want to recall on bad moments? Find a wall and punch it (just don't break the wall). How do you recall on good moments if they're in another dimension? Use your mind. Your mind is your connection to everything that is physical, mental, emotional, or parallel. Sit down and leave your eyes open. Just start thinking about the good moment from the time it happened and
you will not see anything you are staring at. You will see your good moment.