Tim's Final fate.

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Tim's Final fate.

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:08 pm

From: zamhulem@aol.com (Zamhulem)
Date: 14 Apr 1999 15:54:00 EDT

I write this notice to send out my sincerest regrets that an accident has ended the life of the great dueler Tim Brad Barnhardt otherwise known as Methous. It came to pass as he and I practice the fine art of dueling in the new school. We both cut low so hard that it knocked TuamZopfis : known in human tongue as SoulBinder : from my hand and his sword known as Angel out of our hands. We quickly reached for the nearest
weapon. I somehow ended up weilding Angel and he grabbed SoulBinder not knowing it is a living part of me. SoulBinder reacted poorly in his grasp as he tried to Stophit my powerful thrust. I not knowing what grave peril Tim was in for only the iron of which Angel was forged can kill a child of Oberon. Thrusting through his stophit with the Avalon forged Angel and struck the final death blow. To all who loved him my sincerest appollogies.
Zamhulem protector of the meek.

::weilder of TuamZopfis the elvish blade::