Overlord of what? (amnesia SL)

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Overlord of what? (amnesia SL)

Post by DoS Archive » Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:19 pm

From: shivblade@aol.com (SHIV BLADE)
Date: 04 May 1999 18:25:32 EDT

There was no way to know just how long he stood there. Only time itself could have kept track. His eyes not searching for anything, but rather playing in the streets, and clouds. His finger dipped into the glass of warm wine that he held. He brought it up to his mouth, and traced the finger across his lips. All the while his gaze never left the world. His own slight reflection looking back at him
through the window. It was a nice warm day, and people were out making there wages to stay alive. He had seen them all since he had been here. From the beggars, to the noble that walked through the street. He watched the kids run around, silently wishing that he could slip away into that innocent world. He brought the glass up to his lips as the knock came. It startled him so much that he ended up spilling some of the wine on his shirt. He left the
inn window, and the world behind, moving to the door to find out what this rude awakening was. His hand feel to the knob, as he pulled the door open. Alex stood there his eyes falling down as he looked to the small boy that stood in front of him.

“What is it boy..” His hand went to wipe at the stain that was forming on the shirt, even as he realized that there was no help in getting it out. There was no response from the boy and so he looked up to him. His face was familiar.. yes, he was that one boy that came to him a while back with a letter. A letter for that Avery person. He had chewed him out if he remembered right. Yes that was it, he could tell by the look on the young mans face. He
knew he had to say something again or else this kid would stand here all day.


“Pardon me Mr. Bla.... umm,” the boy shook his head trying to remember. “Alexander... But I have news for ya sir.” The boy fidgeted around, not really wanting to be there. Could you blame the youth though. This was Avery after all. This was his former boss, his former friend. The man that saved him from the boys home. Found him work, and gave him a life. Yet, it wasn’t Avery. It was an impostor, a horrible impostor.

“Well come in kid” Alex stepped away from the door and over to a dresser. “Close the door.” He unbuttoned his shirt as the kid did so, the click reassuring him the door was shut. He took his shirt off, and tossed it to the ground. “What’s your name again?”

The kid stood their in complete shock. He had just shut the door, and turned to face Alex. His eyes grew wide as he looked at the mans back. Scars ran down his back, all over, like someone had beat him for hours. They were raised off his back and could only be the marks of a whip. It was a gruesome sight to say the least, and the kid had to fight to speak...” Ahh.. umm.. Christopher sir...”

Alex looked into the mirror his eyes looking at the boy. He gave a slight smirk to himself, as he put on the new shirt. Instantly the boy looked away as if freed from a spell of some sort. Alex didn’t bother buttoning the shirt. Instead he turned to face the Christopher. “News?”

“Well yes...” the boy spoke faster now. “... It is customary for me to come and tell you about the fight the other night.” Alex raised a brow, and was about to speak. The boy kept talking though, trying to make this as short as possible. “ Between the Baroness Jaycy, and the Overlord, Dexter.” He couldn’t help but speak now.

“What?.. the Baroness? The Overlord... what the hell is he the lord of? Why in the hell did they fight?” You could see he was utterly confused.

“Ya know... Overlord of the Duel of Swords.” He said this kinda leading him on with his voice, almost like he should know this.

“We got a lord?”

“You did pledge loyalty to him sir”

“What? I Pledged what? I have done no such thing. Hell I don’t even know who you are talking about kid. And I sure as hell wouldn’t have done that. What the hell is a Baroness anyway?”

“There are thirteen rings within this sport sir. Each holder of a ring is called a Baron. Then there is the supreme dueler, and they are the Overlord.” Christopher spoke of what he knew. “You are, or were one such person... a Baron that is.” The last was said trying to jar his memory.

Alex only shook his head. “Got the wrong person kid. I don’t own one of those rings ya talk about, and I sure as hell aint loyal to know guy I aint never met!”

“So then you are renegade to the crown?”

“How can I be against someone I don’t even know. Hell up to five seconds ago I didn’t even know I had a lord over me.” Christopher only nodded. He knew what he would do. It was only fair. “Why did they fight?” Alex wanted to know more about this.

“Well because the Baroness didn’t believe in some of the things this person did. There was a big stink about this. Cause the baronesses own record of duels was under attack. That’s why the intercession was used.”

“The What?... slow down kid, you’re going to fast.”

“The intercession. The overlord didn’t feel the Baroness was worthy, and so tested her skill by making her face another dueler. A man named Billy..” Alex cut him off.

“Ya mean he didn’t even fight her. What a wuss. I mean if she sucks, then he should beat her hands down. Why would he even want to test her if he is supposed to be this almighty dueler. What a little punk... letting others fight for himself.” Christopher only nodded, and continued.

“So the baroness chose Jesse to champion her.”

“What? We got some chick that gets tested, and then has someone test the tester? Oh Sweet Bridgette. What has this world come too.”

“Its all in the rules sir. To make it short, Jesse won, and gave The baroness the chance to duel The Overlord. She ended up losing to him 5-4. This is all I thought you should know.”

“Damn straight. We got some scared arse little punk holding a title, and he wont even fight his own fights. If her record was in questions he should have won.. which he did in the end. I tell you what... if I ever get the chance you better believe I am gonna beat his butt in. Damn, if there is someone that is lord over me, he damn well better be fighting his own battles. Damn this whole situation is just to weird. Mark my words kid, if I get the
chance I will challenge this guy.”

“For the Title?”

“What title... no kid for him being a scared little punk.”

Christopher looked at him, a slight smile. Oh this was going to be good. Alex was going to challenge the Overlord for his crown, and not even know he was doing it. This was just to funny, and he started to laugh. He only wished he could see this all the way through. After all, there was plenty that could happen between now and the warlord tourny. He excused himself, and stepped to the door, leaving. Alex watched him with a dumb look to his face....
the turned back to his window, and started to sort some things out.