Passing By

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DoS Archive
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Passing By

Post by DoS Archive » Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:41 pm

From: (Deluthan)
Date: 14 May 1999 17:58:45 EDT

A reserved man creeks the front door open, slipping through the doorway in modest silence to find a hideous crowd--a large crowd--and happening to notice the one person that cares enough to know him. Too distant to provide a response to her nod, he turns to examine the recent standings.

A grumble twists in his throat while his eyes scan the parchment from behind the black convexed shades which hide them, the fingers on his right hand digging into the palm. I remember...I was once a warlord before. I should have reminded her. Attention was the last thing he desired. That's why he requested an identitying-name change without publice notice. But with each frigid breath that escaped his body, the matter plunged. Revolving
his head to meet the crowd once more, he turns to the exit. I believe it's time to alert the tourney co-ordinater...