Overlord Challenge

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Overlord Challenge

Post by DoS Archive » Sat Mar 13, 2004 6:41 pm

Subject: Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 4:14 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: HumaDragbn

I know this outa make a few people mad at me but, I Huma Dragonbane do hereby challenge Overlord Dalamar for his title as Overlord. If ye wish to test me Dal, you will find I will not whine about it like others before me have, nor will i ask any renegade barons to step in, if ye indeed will test me. As for my reasons for the challenge, I have but one. I would like to hold the title of Overlord. I hold no grudge against ye, or disagree with ye in any way. I await your response Overlord Dalamar.

Warlord huma

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 4:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: HumaDragbn

I suppose some of you would like to know my PW's...so here they are in no random order;

1.TinyTopaz 5-2
2.Rix Favre 5-4
3.Dark Axe 5-4
4.Jakvaltrds 5-4
5.Duke Uziel 6.5-5
6.BekaCavish 5-2
7.Sau Bau 5-3.5
8.Red Killien 5.5-3
10.RandalTan 5-1.5
11.RLupton 5-0
12.PKardinal 5-3
13.Skyler JC 5-3
14.Valmion 5-2
15.Marzan 5-1.5
and a couple extras
16.GnrtDrgoon 5-4
17.Halveric 5-1

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Zaradda

::Fancy-ducks another peer win list::
Good luck, Huma!
Good luck, Dal!

Rad :D

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 8:14 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Spikushell

::passing thru reads some notes::pleasantly surprised to see another peer win list she isnt on::smiles and walks on::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 8:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drakewynx

::Notes another peer-win list that lacks her name, not so surprised any more.::
I have -got- to start dueling more... Too many duels against the same people are a bad thing.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 10:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: PKardinal

::overhears Drake and looks at the PW list::

Another list my name is on. I have got to start dueling less....or at least duel the same amount and *win*. Anyway...luck to ye both Huma and Dal!


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 1:33 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::wanders by and sees Huma's challenge::

GO HUMA GO!!! ::grins:: Can I watch? I've never seen one of these..::thinks it's cause her mun is tempermental:: Good Luck to both men. If the challenge is accepted.

::posts and wanders to the arena::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 2:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Bapheloc

::wonders who Dalamar is going to use to Interceede now that Jeff is a Renegade Baron::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 2:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: NovaShayde

Wow, definitely making it easy on Golden recently. Not so much as an RDI to help him get the wins together. Is it just me, or do the rules specifically state you're supposed to *include the date of the match*? I hope the official letter to Golden and Dalamar included the dates. If not, I don't envy Golden's great hunt for verifying these peer wins, and I really wouldn't be surprised if he didn't let the challenge through because of it. I wouldn't want to spend my days searching through a bunch
of old records in the archives.

From now on folks, help Golden out a little, keep track of the dates of your peer win matches.

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 3:34 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SGlowacki1

Well....he did say the list was in "no random order"....perhaps that means they are in date order, though I expect that he meant to say "no particular order", or "random order", not parts of both...

Good luck to ya, Golden, finding them, in case he provided no dates to you...

And good luck to both of yas, Dal and Huma. I care little who wins.

A somewhat pointless post by...

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 4:46 PM Eastern Standard Time

1. I would bet on Lady Ellisa if dere is ta be any champion

2. I believe da Warlord Corner will be of use ta RDI Golden in his quest ta search fer da peer wins, dought I do support listin' da dates, it really isn't da end of da world, let's not treat it as such.

3. Dalamar is still a good friend of mine, I hope he considers me da same regardless of me status. Huma, also a good friend has a difficult task ahead of him. I wish both luck in da duel, and may da one who duels best on da eve of da challenge wear DoS' crown.


Subject: Hmm...
Date: 8/17/1997 6:13 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DravenIl

Huma Dragonbane;

If memory serves, I do believe I once argued against your challenge Lupton for his Baronial ring. I stated that you lacked the experience for such an undertaking. You responded with words of self confidence, faced him, and lost. Now you set forth your peer wins believing you're deserving of the rank of Overlord, and again I will state my misgivings. As you've yet to earn even a ring - and furthermore have actually challenged yet lost - I consider this merely a foolhardly gamble for a shot at respect
in the rings, and once again I stand against you in personal opinion.

Draven Altruis Il
Knight Marshal, Questrion
Warlord, DoS

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 8:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: HumaDragbn

well, to start with the letter to Golden and Dal did have the dates onm the PW's. And secondly...::looks to Draven's post:: Drav, I don't recall ever asking your opinion, and unless you are to be the WL Dal uses to test me, I really don't care to hear anything else from you on the matter. I have collected enough PW's to make this challenge it is entirely within my right.If you or anyone else doesn't like it, why don't you ask to be the one who tests me? If not just stay out of it. I grow so tired of all
the arguing that is going on in the DoS, and I am not going to partake of any of it so, in short...PPHHHBBTTT!

Tired of the B.S.

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 8:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz


Lord Altruis, as is everyone else in this sport, is entitled to state his opinion. You are perfectly free to ignore it, but I will tell you the same thing I tell every other fool who suggests that any individual "stay out of" a matter affecting the entire sport:

Do it again, and you'll find me either seeking your title, or knocking your teeth down your throat.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 9:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: HumaDragbn

::shakes his head deciding not to argue about it::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 9:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

Mr. Iain MacKenzie,

As Sidartha said so eloquently in another post." If you don't like it don't look." You have a problem, come find me and I will tell you the same thing to your face. It matters not to me your opinion. Keep your trap shut too. And as your not so veiled threat went..Stay out of it.

::posts her little message to the arrogant man who thinks he can threaten others into accepting his opinion::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 9:27 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz

Lady Aja:

What you seem to fail to understand is that your "friends" are in the business of telling others they have no business stating their OWN opinion. I have railed against Sidartha on this very point in the past, in fact. Perhaps you should tell Huma that if HE does not like Lord Altruis' opinion, then HE should not look.

If you think it is acceptable to try to silence others opinions, then you're of less import than that which I scrape from my shoe. You're more than welcome TO that opinion, but I will not be silent in my disgust for it, and I will not silence my own opinions simply because those who are unable to face dissent blubber and cry about being disagreed with.

Iain MacKenzie
Lord Tynsdale

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 9:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: PKardinal

::takes a deep breath and tacks up a note::

Yes! Huma is within his rights to challenge...Yes! Draven is within his rights to speak....And yes, so is lain. I like to consider you all friends, and will make my point anyway, regardles of that, seeking no change, but will probably be ridiculed. Draven....I see no where in the rules and regulations saying that Huma must have worn a Baron's ring before he can challenge the Overlord, nor has to have an honorable reason. Huma...I see no where in the rules and regulations saying that Draven
cannot voice his opinion in the posts. And lain...I am upset to see you get involved in *their* dispute, especially by threatening Huma....Reply if you wish, and I know you probably will.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 10:20 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DukeUzieI

::Tacks up a friggin picture::

/ | \ <~~~~~~ Huma = Warlord with 15 Peer Wins Challenges
/ \


/ | \ <~~~~~~ Dalamar = Guy who wears the pointy hat
/ \


A perfectly legal Overlord Challenge Match.

Nough Said,


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 10:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::wanders by the posts and laughs herself silly::

"Good one Adonai!! Iain, kiss my ..., Phillie, I love ya Buddy. Huma go for it Sweetie, ::looks at the picture and laughs again:: "God, that's funny."

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/17/1997 11:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SidarthaE

::chuckles at the picture::

Ever thought of becoming an artist, Adonai?

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:03 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz

Very well.

I will presume that it is perfectly acceptable from here on for people to tell others that their opinions are not to be publicly voiced.

Rest assured that I will, in turn, do my best to drown out those who agree with this principle, since I have just as much right to tell another party to shut up as those people do, no?

Rather silly, isn't it? If it offends you so to be slapped around for spitting on the single most inalienable right an individual possesses - the right to express an opinion - then I can only pity you. Philip, I am sorry if my attitude towards this troubles you, but people who would counter criticism and disagreement by telling the individual in question to be silent are the lowest form of tyrant, and I have no qualms about being less than pleasant in their regard.

To quote an old philosopher, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." However, I draw the line at defending those whose philosophy is that you have no right to speak your mind.

And Aja? Rest assured my lips will never come anywhere near your ... . Nor will my nose, as a matter of interest.

Iain MacKenzie
Lord Tynsdale

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:09 AM Eastern Standard Time

::Looks up at the board...Shakes his head::

NovaShayde you seem to always look for a reason some may not challange::Wonders why::
If you see an error in a persons challange wouldnt it be better to E-Mail them to see if they could correct it Instead of bad mouthing them.Where's the love


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:17 AM Eastern Standard Time

Why is it you are always on too stir up arguments. I would like to see at least one post where you say something intellegent.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:53 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: DukeUzieI


We gone round before....but I will tell ya now...say what you want...how you want. But Never,

Ever, Ever, Ever,

Insult the LdyAja.

Or you will find me climbing over your back to feed you your own arse.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 2:32 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz


Had I delivered the initial insult, I'd expect, and accept, your chastisement.

Now, if we're broadening the nonsense here to indicate that it's okay for your friends to insult people, but it's not okay for said people to insult back... then I'll be sure to make a note.

Let us return to the original difficulty: Warlord Huma told Lord Altruis, in not so many words, to keep his opinion to himself. When those who objected to my taking offense to yet another "I don't like what you had to say, so shut up" comment agree that it is, in fact, improper and disrespectful to do such, I'll be more than happy to offer them a respectful nod, and bother them no further.

As an aside, in case there are those who think that because I am objecting to Huma's response to Lord Altruis, I necessarily agree with him, you are barking up the wrong tree. In fact, I quite disagree with Draven on this matter; Huma has accumulated the required prerequisites, and whether he is worthy in the ring will be proven anon. His failure to acquire a Baron's ring previously bears no impact whatsoever on his skill in the ring at this point in time. Should the Overlord interpose a test between
Huma and the title of Overlord is solely a matter of the Overlord's preferences; we are all more than well aware that worthy challengers have been tested, and less-than-worthy challengers have not. I do not know the Challenger well enough to make a personal determination on his worth as a person to hold the title of Overlord; therefore I can and will not develop an opinion on the matter.

As for you, Davestro... thank you for a moment of levity. I found your comment quite amusing.

Iain MacKenzie
Lord Tynsdale

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 2:37 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: NovaShayde

::wonders what E-mail is as he peruses the latest arguments::


All I have to say is: If it looks like you're not following the rules, I'm on your back. The rules are there for a reason. When it looks like they aren't being followed, you're going to hear it from me publically. I've had my share of trying to direct people in private... it just doesn't work. I've had my share of not publically addressing problems as well, that doesn't seem to work either. I'm glad to see Huma had sent the dates in... there's no reason why he shouldn't exact his challenge.
As for where the love is... I have no love for people who seem to disregard the rules.

Nova Grey Shadow

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 2:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: DukeUzieI


I dunna give a damn about any of it really...its all tripe as far as I'm concerned.....Aja though is another matter....allow her some license for being the lady she is and do not offer her insult in the way that you did and I'm a happy friggin guy. Get it? Go it? Good.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 2:50 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz


While I do not pass judgement on Lady Aja's gentility, one must admit that an implied invitation to kiss one's behind is hardly a dignified and ladylike response.

I am more than happy to pass that faux pas off as a momentary failure of decency; if, however, you wish to retain a quarrel with me over the matter, I will regretfully accept your enmity.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 2:56 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: DukeUzieI


All I wanted...thank you...she tend to be an excitable and sometimes very silly girl. All better now.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 9:27 AM Eastern Standard Time

hhmmm....::thinks about all the quarreling going on about...something:: GO HUMA!!!

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 10:07 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: PKardinal


I too feel everyone has the right to express their vote and opinion....that was what my last response was telling Huma. I just don't want to see something as small as this hafta result in violence, when it is not needed.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: WalkerBoh1

::reads all these pointless posts, and wonders why every single challenge starts an argument, not participated in by the challenger and challenged, on something that has almost nothing to do with the challenge::

I don't care for much of this at all...why all the argueing? There was nothing wrong with how Huma posted the Peer Wins, and nothing wrong with him not asking for other people's opinions. Still, everyone has the right to express theirs, although you have just as much right to *request* someone not to express theirs. The request seems to be ignored, and that is fine. How about you just leave each other alone and let Huma and Dal fight their match?


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SidarthaE


I was just about to say something just like it. No matter how much everyone bickers, it doesn't change anything. The challenge will still go on. Let them duel in peace.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 1:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::giggles as she reads all the replies::

Huma Babe, I am sorry about all the trouble. I hope the challenge does take place and that you fight well. I will be cheerin you on.
As for all that argue about the dates not being in the posts...jeeez already. As long as Golden has 'em what's the difference if they are on the boards? Color me silly, but I don't think it much matters, as long as the RDI knows..Right?

Iain, you were right about one thing, and one thing only, that was not a ladylike response. However, I do not apollogize. Cause I never actually told you what to kiss, you made up your own conclusion. Hmm, where's your mind? ::wry grin::

::tacks up her message and heads out for the arena::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 3:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SpifyMcBng

Goon see people fight with word, think still fight with word after real fight done! Got stop, just fight, all fix!


::shakes his head as he accidentally tacks up his finger:: ::frees his finger, then tacks up the message::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 3:33 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz


The one thing you do *not* have a right to do is ask someone else to withhold their opinion publicly. Nobody - not you, not me, not Huma Dragonbane - has the right to be free of open, public criticism.

This wasn't even a case where someone savagely attacked another person with words. Lord Altruis stated calmly, and with no lack of respect for the challenger as a *person,* that he didn't feel he was qualified to hold the title. It's merely an opinion. I can understand a person being hurt, and their friends rushing to their defense, if some idiot stood up and began calling them names, insulting them, and saying nothing of substance. In the face of a calm disagreement, however, those same actions reek
of insecurity, defensiveness, and perhaps immaturity. (That is not to say I am branding the parties responsible as insecure, defensive, and immature; I am saying people should take a moment to consider their words.)

Aja... you understand the meaning of the word "implied." At least, I would hope you do, as you used it yourself. Please, don't insult both our intelligences by pretending you meant anything other than the common vernacular.

As to the challenge itself; absolutely. Let them duel in peace. I am not tacking my comments on Huma's forehead, and Dalamar is completely absent from this discussion. This is a public forum, and this discourse has no bearing on their preparations - and if it somehow does, then I would submit that they're not preparing themselves properly.

Iain MacKenzie
Lord Tynsdale

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 3:37 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: IainMacKnz

Oh, one other thing:

I am in full agreement that the discussion regarding the lack of dates in the post is irrelevant and pointless. Nowhere is it written that challengers are even required to post their peer wins, much less full details on same. All that is required for the public's eye is the posting of the challenge itself. The verification of requirements is the sole province of the chief official of the sport, and is no business of the masses.

I can understand objecting to such things as the challenger not being notified properly, challenges issued improperly in regard to time frame, and that sort of thing. Those are breaches of the rules. Failing to divulge one's prerequisites to the community at large is not a violation, and griping about it is... unseemly.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 6:24 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: MorteDulce

::applaudes loudly:: Ye have me support, Huma, fer what's it's worth.......

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 6:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DemCyrax

To everyone in the argument....

You are absoulutely correct....everyone is entitled to their opinion....so here's mine. Everybody that is giving Huma grief for his challenge should shut up. As has been clearly stated, its perfectly legitimate and therefore, shall pass whether any of you think Huma is entitled the privilege or not. If he beats Dalamar, then obviously he's worthy of such.

Dem Cyrax
Steward of House Questrion

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 6:54 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Zaradda

We should "shut up"?
Shut up?
If you don't like our(their) opinions, don't respond to them.
We have the right.

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 7:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::reads Rad's comment::

"Oh no, Not again."

::shakes her heads and wanders off towards the arena::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 7:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: MorganFay

Get him, Rad!!

::big grin::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 8:19 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: KayneRune

::Likes Biollante's thread better::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 8:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: HumaDragbn

::kicks Kayne in the butt::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 8:52 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: SirCetran

::Walks by, skips over many of the notes and laughs himself to tears seeing Ad's picture::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/18/1997 11:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DemCyrax

as I said Rad...everyone is entitled to their own opinion...and MorganFay..as far as Rad "getting me", that's quite out of the question.

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/19/1997 12:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

Tell em Dem!
::giggles:: Sorry Rad.

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/19/1997 7:45 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Zaradda

::writes a quick one liner::
I thought I already had you, big boy? ::scribbling a hasty picture of a tongue::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/20/1997 11:55 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: LordovDale

::a fiery eyed man walks up to the boards like he's done so many times before.. pulls a silver dagger and a piece of parchment out of his pocket and slams the note, marked by his emblem of a silver scale, on the message boards::

Warlord Huma,
I do hereby accept your challenge for the title of Overlord. I care not about your reasons for this challenge because I understand you simply wish to hold my position. I must admit though that I am saddened that after my busy defending schedule and the recent match against a good friend of mine, Ulath, you could not grant me some time to rest before trying to be the next person to take the Overlordship away from me. Nevertheless, I digress.. good luck Huma. May you duel well and honorably. I
will get back to you by private courier as to the time, place, and caller of the match. 'Til then, Warlord.
Lord Dalamar Ar'Daumon

Overlord of the Duel of Swords
Lord of the Dale
Guardian of the Oldest House

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/21/1997 5:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drakewynx

After a quick looking through of the rules, I need to ask for a clairification....
Although Dalamar has already accepted the challenge, it seems to me that the challenge is an illegal one. In the rules on challenging, it states that no challenges can be made to an OverLord within 24 days of the WarLord's tourney... This challenge was placed on the 17th, clearly not 24 days after the last tourney.
If I am mistaken about this, I appologies. I am not doing this out of malice, as both Huma and Dalamar are people I consider friends. Also, it is possible the wording is just not entirely clear and the rule means "within 24 days before" the WarLord's tourney... If so, I would like this clarified as well.
Thank you for your time.

The Grand Duchess Drakewyn Alabaster the Tenth

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/21/1997 2:58 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DravenIl

>>In the rules on challenging, it states that no challenges can be made to an OverLord within 24 days of the WarLord's tourney>>

That restriction only refers to twenty four days before the tournament.


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/21/1997 3:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: MorganFay

I would be interested in hearing what the ruling is from The Powers That Be.

I thought the rule was put in place so that there would be no cause for queueing to challenge the Overlord when there was a guaranteed right to challenge from the Warlord Tourney. I also thought it applied to both before and after the Tourney.

Well done for bringing it up, Drakewyn.


Morgan al'Tan

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/21/1997 6:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Kalamere

Drake and Morgan,

While I no longer qualify as one of the "powers that be" I helped to draft that rule, so perhaps I might shed some light on it.

The intention of the rule was to leave the Overlord free of challenge for at least 4 days* before the warlord tournament, since the winner has the automatic right to challenge. We had run into problems with this in the past where a pending challenge to the Overlord could have been wiped clean, had the Overlord not voluntarilly chose to hold the match before the Warlord tourney. (this is because the winner's challenge takes presedence and there can be no queues of challenge to the Overlord). The clause
was put in to remove the possibility of the Overlord being faced with this situation.

The concept of a "grace period" was tossed around, both during the public rules discussion and during the staff Congress, but it was discarded. The grace period would have been more for "normal" challenges than for the warlord's tournament, but the general idea was to make all challenges to the Overlord void for a set amount of time (say 7 to 14 days) after a defense. As I said, however, the idea was discarded.

The clause: " ...within 24 days of the WarLord's tourney." was meant to include only those days before the Tournament.. not after it. My apologies for the confusion in terms.


* = The Overlord has one week to answer the challenge and another 2 weeks to fight it, for a total of 21 days... hence a challenge issued 25 days before the Warlord's Tournament would have to be fought 4 days before it (or sooner).

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/22/1997 2:23 AM Eastern Standard Time

<<There will be a grace period of 24 days prior to each Warlord's tournament, during which
no challenge may be issued to the Overlord.>>

Rules in Full ----> General rules -----> Warlords Tournament Section

Is dis clear enough fer everyone? ::highlights the word PRIOR::


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/22/1997 7:03 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drakewynx

::A small sigh as she reads Jeff's responce.::

Yes Jeff, that's very clear... But couldn't you have worded it a little, well, nicer?


Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/22/1997 12:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: DravenIl

::doesn't even considers this rule debateable, moves on::

Subject: Re:Overlord Challenge
Date: 8/22/1997 4:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: MorganFay

Thanks Kalamere!