Twisted intention

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Twisted intention

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 4:37 pm

From: (MimiNights)
Date: 02 Jun 1999 13:48:42 EDT

Leaving the arena, Mimi knew what had to be done. She'd seen it for months now, the stirring, the need - the want. Ah it was whispered, she'd become the mad stray, a pawn - in the cruel hands of fate. Even rumored she'd been soothsayer too more than one.

None believed, or so had been experience the past months. Did one truly hold divine hold over his or her own life? Impossible - inevitability fate would predestine what was to be.

Preparations were made and plan to action days before the event. No one had an idea until two nights past what might be, save for one. Violent shakes started, the moment she whispered her cover. "If you believe in soothsayers, then perhaps it will be had of business - or fate. I know not. I only deliver what I see, and thus am a pawn in the games Fate. And this mistress is cruel oft in her attempt to right wrongs and see things to piece
together as it ought be." The man nodded and the deal was made.

If any were to be aware of anything, it would be known truth and honor would return. How? Inwardly it was evident - even to those lacking trust within the hardest of hearts. Sapphire orbs carefully glanced over the man. Truly, she was taking risk to give information. Captain or not, this one was closed to readings - no this was cause, she closed herself to read what purpose could come from meeting. She'd been played the pawn much too long, yet
if she did -- in spite -- ignore the pricking from inside, there would be loss. She hesitated before speaking any further, waiting reaction to the strange forthcoming that did find him this late day.

A thousand times, her thoughts took her captive a moment in time, bringing fate and choice to collide. Some believed in such fate, and others did not take to such fashion. Was there some where in said universe a power that oft took strangers and brought lives to tread upon the same path for a time? Mimi did not assume any would believe or not, she was only the messenger -- for now.

He watched as she drew blood from her veins and there the silver cut her from side and then down and across flesh that had been tattered. The first drops trickled in the circle. The three days that preceded this event would prove to be a most trying time.