At the Cottage.

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DoS Archive
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At the Cottage.

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:38 pm

From: (UnicornO07)
Date: 10 Jun 1999 18:52:29 EDT

Walking along the path to his small cottage n the out skirts of Rhydin, Unicorn whistles happily to himself and smells the roses he just bought for his beutiful wife Annie, who is at home waiting for him. As he turns the bend about a large oak tree he sees there is no movement at all in the house or around it. Unicorn shrugs and walks on, glancing into the garden. He drops the flowers and leaps the
fence, running to his wife that is laying on the ground in the trampled garden. She is completely nude, and there is blood coating her thighs and her chest were someone stabbed her with a dagger. Weeping uni picks up his wife's body and moves it into the cottage, laying her on the bed. She is dead, but still warm, so the crimanals must not be to far away. Grabbing up his long sword Uni charges from the cottage into the forest were he finds a
trail. He follows the trail to a stream, and loses it there. He searches in vain to pick it up again, but can not. He rushes back to the Arena were someone is bound to help him............