The Tall Grass In My Back Yard

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The Tall Grass In My Back Yard

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:24 pm

Date: 10/19/97 2:46 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Fungi2BWth

As a Boy, when I was growing up,

Pop never mowed the lawn., so I, like, always told him "If u keep the grass up so high, you'll be suprised what you'll find living in it when you finally decide to mow it.
Despite my constant warnings....he sat on the couch.
((Have you ever found stuff missing from your house or dryer? This should explain why.))
So anywayz,
Every morning we would wake up and go about our buisiness.
one day the mayonnaise, and the next the soap, even my glasses we're missing.
On hot summer evenings we would sit on the back porch and stare into the tall grass.
Despite not having my glasses, I could almost make out small figures and I heard quite a bit of movement coming from our lawn.
Well, this got my curiosity up.
So I decided to spend the night in the backyard.
I grabbed my M&M's, set a few on the ground by my head.
I was so anxious I couldn't sleep, Five minutes I was snoozing.
In the morning I awoke to find the M&M's missing, footprints leading to the grass and my gold tooth missing.
So I figured if there's a small race of Gnomes living in my backyard, Well then, That's just great.

The moral of this story kids. Don't sleep with your mouth open.