Congratulations Tourney Winners!

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Congratulations Tourney Winners!

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:25 pm

From: (AJaybird2)
Date: 15 Sep 1999 22:20:20 EDT

::approaches the corkboard and reads the results from the 2-day tournament. Thinking the winners of it to be a fine representation of the sport. Unfurls a piece o' parchment, then finding a quill, writes a missive::

Seamus, Elijah, Cas, Cletus, Marius, and Wang.....
Congratulations to ye all for your outstandin' performance within the ring during the most recent Warlord Tournament. May thy rings ye now wear be done so w' honor, courage and pride and might thy not forget the community to which they belong. I pray that the Gods to whom ye each serve lead ye Spirit along the path of Truth and Knowledge and that ye be remembered for ye character as well your skill.

Incredible display o' skill m' friend. It warms m' blood to see ye once again be Baron of DoS. Your leadership qualities and self sacrafice should be welcomed attributes to the Council. May thy reign as Baron o' the Fourth Ring be as long as ye wish it to be m'lord.

Excellent dueling as usual. After all that hath transpired recently ye hath reclaimed that ye obviously value greatly.......the 7th of the Rings. Wear it well Baron.

Skill and Honor m'lord. Ye beat many o' fine Warlords to position yourself as the most recent Baron o' the 8th. Once again, ye be a member of the Council o' Barons....... congratulations.

I'm sure ye made ye brother burst w' pride when ye chose the 13th ring as your prize. Excellently done.

In m' opinion, the finest o' the rings was left as the prize to which ye laid claim. I am genuinely pleased to see it will adorn ye hand and it be m' most humble request that ye defend it w' passion, dignity and honor befitting the previous holders o' the ring.

You survived! I don't know much of ye, but ye must 'ave dueled well enough to be included w' the others. I see ye 'ave opted to duel for the title of Supreme Dueler. Good Luck Buck.....

::puts away the quill after signin' m' name::
