~~*~~ A Familiar for a Friend ~~*~~

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~~*~~ A Familiar for a Friend ~~*~~

Post by DoS Archive » Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:56 am

From: shebaliveldruk@aol.com (Shebali Veldruk)
Date: 21 Oct 1999 18:33:04 EDT

Late one night on the Twilight Isle, the one known as Lady Illusia Marcine, sits on the sands of the isle, wading through thoughts and feelings of her heart.....

::she wanders ta tha sands late in tha eve after tha events o' tha night, tha pain showing in her eyes, face an aura, she sits upon tha soft sands o' tha Isles...her emerald eyes with their ring o' silver o'er looking tha waters fer a brief moment as her thoughts wander freely o'er tha pains she has endured...shaking her head.... thrice in love an sighs...letting Lady Nature an Mother Earth calm her with their words....she then turns her eyes ta tha
nights skies...she sighs...as her eyes look upon tha night skies, seeing tha beautiful stars, something catches her attention.....she peers with intent wondering...nae a black speckled star...nae a black star she says softly:: "What in RhyDin's name?" ::her eyes transfixed upon this black speck, wondering an waiting::

As the dark spot comes closer out of the twilight, Illusia can make out an occasional glint, as if off a mirror. As it comes even closer, Illusia can make out a great winged body, with long neck, and tail andshe can also make out why there seemed to be glinting from the dragon, for it can be no other thing, and it is because the dragon is covered by scales of the most brightly polished platinum ever seen.The dragon's snout is long, and has a shape
much like a horse's head with numerous horns protruding from it, continuing down the neck of the dragon are spines, obviously razor sharp, growing largest at the rear of his wings, they continue down his tail, slowly growing smaller. As the dragon nears even closer, it lets out a loud roar, billowing a small gout of flame from it's mouth, it glides down towards the sands, it seems that the dragon has plans of attack on it's mind.

::she starts as she sees tha dragon approaching...her emerald eyes with their ring o' silver turn a cold steel as she is a bit wary o' him, but nae making assumptions, she rises from tha sands looking on with intent...her hand already upon tha hilt o' her sword just in case as tha nights events have nae been good ta her an tha fates nae tha same...she watches with
intent an wonder..::

As it nears Illusia and the sands, it billows it's great wings, and comes to a gentle landing behind a monolith. The dragon sets his haunches down, and sets his fore legs upon the monolith. In a deep booming voice, the dragon speaks to Illusia.
"I am Dra'dar da Dragon. And I have chosen you, Lady Illusia Marcine as my master, so shall I guide thee as long as thee lives."
With that, Illusia notices a ribbon of crimson around the dragon's neck.

::she realizes that tha dragon tis nae foe but friend, an a smile escapes her lips.....she looks at him wonder in her eyes as she searches him......finding nae evil within him she nods asking::

"Ye knows I am o' Royal blood, Queen an Guardian ta my lands? An still ye wishes o' this?"

"I know this, and I have accepted it. You are to be my master."

::she smiles an nods as her emerald Dragoon Rune o' tha Mystiks flare out ta him an back at her, bonding them::

"Tis done...."