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DoS Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am


Post by DoS Archive » Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:02 pm

From: xyclone@aol.com (Xyclone)
Date: 30 Nov 1999 03:31:34 EST

::Walking back into the misty woods after visting the Arena he used to frequent so much, each step absent as he is lost in thought. His gaze seemingly focused on the stars as he akes in memories of times long since past, such as when Kart tried to tell him that Homebrew was addictive, back to when he first entered the Arena and all the characters he met. ::
::Billy with his headstrong, though skillfull way of bludgeoning others into submission, Jeff with his ability to come back stronger after a rare defeat, Elijah with his almost uncanny ability to sense the next strike, Dal with his ability to survive and even flourish when the odds were stacked against him. Jona with her unending support of the duellers at large, Uly and Alais, whose help in regaining his soul shall never be forgotten, his Spork an
Spoon duels with Rix, the infamous feather duels with Marit, Summer, and Prin...the equally infamous Pink Boxer Cult::
::The ease with which the Femme Fatales distracted me, the unending friendship that Collie so freely gave, the Puntie hunts, the laborious work that the RDI's put up with, the double damned Faust when duelling Morn, his wedding to Taylara, a woman of strength and beauty::
::This last causes him to stop, to gaze at his surroundings after some moments, then realizing just where he is. Taylara's cottage lays just off to his right, the light of a lantern glowing brightly in the window. Wishing to walk up, knock on the door, and embrace her, his thoughts turn to how he treated her and their adopted daughter Kammissa, he stops before he starts toward the cottage.::
::wondering if she'll ever forgive him, knowing that he can never put them in harm's way as the Sabbat is still on his trail, his efforts to elude them so far unsuccessful, he takes a rose from the garden, placing it on her doorstep then walks on, alone once more, in part hoping she has moved on, another part hoping not...as mayhaps it was meant to be::