Lost Red's Corner?

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Lost Red's Corner?

Post by DoS Archive » Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:16 pm

From: redurthornei@aol.com (Red ur Thorne I)
Date: 01 Feb 2000 01:06:56 EST

Garion was cleaning up for the night, it was an easy night because the rings were closed. Bending down he looked under the bar counter, every now and again he found a copper or two that had been dropped and gone unrecovered.

No coins tonight, but there was a slip of thick parchment and since he was down there anyways he reached for it. Brushing it off as he picked it up, he glanced over the writing. "It could not be," Garion spoke softly, rubbing his tired eyes and looking at it again.

"What is it Garion?" Tommy called from one of the rings to his friend.

"Nothing, well, it looks like one of those letters to Red," the words had no sooner left his lips than Tommy was hawking at him to read it aloud. "All right, all right, let me see now."

As read by Garion:

Dear Red,

I have been a member of the Secretive Society of Over-Imbibers, or SOT, (the history behind the name is a long one) for nearly three weeks now and I was doing wonderfully until I moved from the suburbs to downtown Rhydin.

Every where I go they are giving ale, wyne and any other alcoholic beverage you can think of away for FREE! Free! How in the name of the many gods that live around this neighborhood is a guy supposed to stay clean?

Will power fading fast

Dear Will,

I understand the problem you are going through and you are not alone. There are support groups everywhere if you know where to look. Behind the bookstore on Fifth Street there is a support group named MUD, or Magic Using Drunkards, behind the stables on Deadman Street is the group RACC, Rogues Against Conspicuous Consumption, and of course there is the DART group in the Arena, or Duelers Against Riding Tanked

There are groups for almost every type of problem out there, WWIMP (Warriors With Impaired Magic Powers), NAB (Non-humans Against Bloodsuckers), and RED (Redheads that Exist for Destruction) not to mention PINCH, SNAFFLE, WHYNE and the largest member holding help group AOL (All-encomposing Organization of Lunatics).

Hang in there and avoid all Inns, Taverns, "Training centers" and especially any establishment with amateur bartenders. Heck, if you are going to get sloshed, it should not be on ill prepared mixed drinks.



"What do all the other names stand for?" Tommy inquired.

"I think it wasn't finished, Tommy. Looks like a bunch of things were scratched out and there's a note on the side that says something like ... check out the group of chronic cookie something, something and their height impaired friends club behind the warehouse on Baker Street. Something, something, something for Shorty."

Garion put the post down on the bar top and sighed, "I wonder if Red is going to come back to finish it."

"She's been gone awhile, hasn't she? Didn't mention where she was going?"

"Nah, I suppose she wouldn't take the time to tell me, anyways," Garion sighed again. She certainly wasn't happy with him the last time he had seen her, that was just after he gave that really pretty man her address. "Tommy, you don't suppose she could be in real trouble, do you?"

"Red? What are you kidding?" this coming from a boy that swallowed Red's tall tales hook, line and sinker, "Who could harm Red, she's indestructible!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Garion didn't feel particularly sure of that, but it was getting late and he wanted to go home. Leaving the dusty paper on the counter he grabbed up his jacket, "Come on Tommy, let's get home."