The Tangled Web ShadoWeaver Weaves

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The Tangled Web ShadoWeaver Weaves

Post by DoF Archive » Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:44 am

Date: 10/29/1997 8:17 AM Central Standard Time
From: TismanBRos

Tis stood amongst a small grove of trees near Weeping Willows, a place that he frequented when he wasn't handling the duties of Commissioner of TTDoF. Tis had always trained hard, but after the Diamond Quest the training had brought with it a renewed intensity. He gently brushed his fingers over the bracer that now adorned his right forearm, and with it the Black Opal, ShadoWeaver.
"I never thought I'd be stuck with a damned magic piece on me lad," Tis spoke in a hushed tone to the object on his arm. "How is it that I know you hear and understand me? Always reacting to my insul... ins... inssaaacchhooo!" With the fierce sneeze Tis phased into multiple illusional forms of himself, almost as if he had an entire pack of himself standing around and mimicking his every movement.
"Stop that you cursed acchooo!!!" Tis plopped down on the ground along with his new friends, now totaling 10. As he looked over the mirror images of himself, Tis began scratching and pulling at ShadoWeaver, trying to get it off of his arm. "Why are you doing this to me! Leave me be! Damned Wurm spawn!!" he yelled into the quiet grove. As he became increasingly flustered, the mirror forms began to dissipate and fade into nothingness.
The flushed color of the Garou began working its way back to his normal soft tanned visage as he saw the forms go away. Tis whispered, "sweet Gaia... thank you little one for stopping... just be quiet and work with me alright?" ShadoWeaver seemed to answer with a flit of light across it's surface, and Tis leaned back against a shade tree. Unbeknownst to him, the little flit of light was almsot as if ShadoWeaver was heckling Tis as he
started to fade into the shadows himself.
Tis closed his eyes and took a brief nap, sitting in his grove of trees. Not even the squirrels saw him as the shadows encompassed him, ShadoWeaver playing a harmless prank as it protected its holder... fading him into the shadows for a mid-day snooze.