A posted notice.

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A posted notice.

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:02 pm

From: leodelorenzo@aol.com (Leo De Lorenzo)
Date: 02 Mar 2000 20:19:42 EST

((Author's note: For easier reading, an exact duplicate of the posted letter will be written below it in Arial font. It is only written in cursive above for handwriting in character, but I am aware that some can't read such, so just scroll to the bottom if so, thanks.))

::walking up to the corkboard, he tacks up the carefully written notice to the community, keeping the handwritten copies in his back pocket to mail out later::

Dearest Swords, and our Overlord, Avery Shiv Blade,

As most of you may know, it appears that I have been graciously granted the right to challenge our Overlord for placing second among the ranked Warlords in this sport. I have not been here for that long a time, and this opportunity came much sooner than I had hoped. I did not wish to have a chance to hold a title until a later time when I had been here longer and had achieved a better record, but the fates work in mysterious ways, for those who
believe in such.
For the many that do not know me, my name is Leonardo Tassadar De Lorenzo. I came to this country unwillingly, but I soon found this enchanting basement and came to love the sport. I have met many friends here and I do hope to stay. I am sure, though, that you do not wish to learn about me but to learn the purpose of this letter.
This letter is first to announce that I will press my right of challenge to the Overlord. It is true that it may seem I am rushing into gaining a title, but I did not really expect this. When I entered the tournament, I did not even know of the prizes, and when I heard them, I did not wish to accept any of them but to duel for the fun of it. Going into the second night, though, I heard tell of the previous winner of the challenge decline it. If
I were to do the same, as originally planned, the prize would apparently lose its meaning. I rather liked the tournament and do not wish to see it changed, so I could not let such a thing happen to the prize. It may seem like a bad reason for going on with the challenge, but I do not want my actions to belittle a prize worthy of many fitting Warlords.
I have never met the Overlord, though I have heard a great deal of the youth. I have heard many tell of his great dueling skill and his polite manner. One of my closest friends speaks of him with the highest honor, and though I have not met the man, I hold the deepest respect for him. For some time I have wished to meet with him and duel him during the official hours, but I did not know what face to look for. It appears I will now get such a
chance, though I will see his best as his title will be riding on the line. I wish him no malice in any way, and I would like him to know that I am honored to be able to duel him. I would also like to meet with him and talk to him of these matters so he knows my true feelings on the challenge as I am trying to present them.
Before I close, I woild like to thank three people who have made my short time here very pleasant. The first of those three is a dear lady and friend by the name of Simini. I walked in alone during the night and she, almost sensing my discomfort, came and spoke to me. She gladly showed me around and even offered a duel. Seeing her and receiver her help convinced me to stay here and make all of the friends that I have to this day. I thank you,
madame Simini.
The second person I would like to thank is the good man Gunthar. He too spoke to me after a short time here. To put it simply, he made things here much easier. He offered me shelter which I gladly accepted so I could escape from the Inn above the Arena. He has often times offered help to me and has explained many things to me. I thank him for being a great friend.
The third person I would like to thank is another lady that oftens the Arena. She goes by the name of Jonalyn, and she has always been there to point things out to me. She was the first to congratulate me after winning duels in this tournament and the first to offer kind words after a loss. Other than that, she has been a great friend and has made me smile often times. For these reasons, I thank her also.
There are many others who have made my stay here pleasant, but these are the three that I would like to thank. I know that may have strayed from the original topic, but I felt they deserved thanks. Anyway, I do press my challenge to the Overlord Avery Shiv Blade with no intended malice, and I look forward to our duel.

Submitted humbly for your approval,
General Leonardo Tassadar De Lorenzo

Dearest Swords, and our Overlord, Avery Shiv Blade,

As most of you may know, it appears that I have been graciously granted the right to challenge our Overlord for placing second among the ranked Warlords in this sport. I have not been here for that long a time, and this opportunity came much sooner than I had hoped. I did not wish to have a chance to hold a title until a later time when I had been here longer and had achieved a better record, but the fates work in mysterious ways, for those who
believe in such.
For the many that do not know me, my name is Leonardo Tassadar De Lorenzo. I came to this country unwillingly, but I soon found this enchanting basement and came to love the sport. I have met many friends here and I do hope to stay. I am sure, though, that you do not wish to learn about me but to learn the purpose of this letter.
This letter is first to announce that I will press my right of challenge to the Overlord. It is true that it may seem I am rushing into gaining a title, but I did not really expect this. When I entered the tournament, I did not even know of the prizes, and when I heard them, I did not wish to accept any of them but to duel for the fun of it. Going into the second night, though, I heard tell of the previous winner of the challenge decline it. If
I were to do the same, as originally planned, the prize would apparently lose its meaning. I rather liked the tournament and do not wish to see it changed, so I could not let such a thing happen to the prize. It may seem like a bad reason for going on with the challenge, but I do not want my actions to belittle a prize worthy of many fitting Warlords.
I have never met the Overlord, though I have heard a great deal of the youth. I have heard many tell of his great dueling skill and his polite manner. One of my closest friends speaks of him with the highest honor, and though I have not met the man, I hold the deepest respect for him. For some time I have wished to meet with him and duel him during the official hours, but I did not know what face to look for. It appears I will now get such a
chance, though I will see his best as his title will be riding on the line. I wish him no malice in any way, and I would like him to know that I am honored to be able to duel him. I would also like to meet with him and talk to him of these matters so he knows my true feelings on the challenge as I am trying to present them.
Before I close, I woild like to thank three people who have made my short time here very pleasant. The first of those three is a dear lady and friend by the name of Simini. I walked in alone during the night and she, almost sensing my discomfort, came and spoke to me. She gladly showed me around and even offered a duel. Seeing her and receiver her help convinced me to stay here and make all of the friends that I have to this day. I thank you,
madame Simini.
The second person I would like to thank is the good man Gunthar. He too spoke to me after a short time here. To put it simply, he made things here much easier. He offered me shelter which I gladly accepted so I could escape from the Inn above the Arena. He has often times offered help to me and has explained many things to me. I thank him for being a great friend.
The third person I would like to thank is another lady that oftens the Arena. She goes by the name of Jonalyn, and she has always been there to point things out to me. She was the first to congratulate me after winning duels in this tournament and the first to offer kind words after a loss. Other than that, she has been a great friend and has made me smile often times. For these reasons, I thank her also.
There are many others who have made my stay here pleasant, but these are the three that I would like to thank. I know that may have strayed from the original topic, but I felt they deserved thanks. Anyway, I do press my challenge to the Overlord Avery Shiv Blade with no intended malice, and I look forward to our duel.

Submitted humbly for your approval,
General Leonardo Tassadar De Lorenzo