Destruction or Delieverance? (Dae)

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Destruction or Delieverance? (Dae)

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:06 pm

From: (Dae Dragonsblade)
Date: 03 Jun 2000 20:04:18 EDT

The Dragonian sat in the forgery below the keep of Castle Daelin. Sweat trickled down his forehead, dropping onto the stone floor with the same measured precision of rain against a windowpane. His work having finally been completed, he reached for a nearby bucket of the dirty, metal and stone-ridden water next to the stool he was resting on. He had been in this room for about most of the day, every day, for the last 3
days. He was tired to say the least. But he felt it would be worth it.

Upon reaching the now dying fire, he tilted the bucket over it and extinguished the remaining flames and embers and set the bucket back down in a random location. He then arced his back and stretched out his muscles..looking over the forgery as he did so. Crossing to a rack, he ran his hand down the platinum sheath adorned with carvings of Dragonian legends and heroes. His hand then moved to the hilt above the sheath, 'Warfare' seeming to glimmer in
the light at his touch. His hands pausing on the emerald on one side of the hilt, a symbol of the gift of Wisdom from his ancestors, and then pausing again at the ruby on the corresponding other side of the hilt, symbolizing the gift of Power. Sighing, he unsheathed the blade and stepped back, the *snap* of power hitting the air seemed to reverberate of the walls. Swiftly and precisely, despite his fatigue, he performed the Dragonian Guard salute of
honor. Smiling softly, he replaced 'Warfare' in the sheath and stepped back.

He then moved to the worktable beside the forge. He tilted his head at his latest creation. The long blade of the sword was made of a special Dragonian Black Crystal, called the Soul of Tiamat, the Dragonian God of Evil and Destruction. A surge seemed to ripple through him as he picked up the blade by the silver hilt..examining it with a small smile. An etching of Tiamat was done all around the hilt, the Dragon lashing out with it's destructive power
of Dark Flare. At the core of the Dark Flare attack on the hilt, was set the Blue Opal, IceDancer..which seemed oddly at peace within the blade. Turning the blade over in his hands, he nodded at the craftsmanship. At certain points in the light, the blade seemed almost transparent except for a gray tint like smoke. Then at other points, the blade seemed to be as dark and foreboding as the sky at midnight. The oddest part was, it wasn't so much the
light that caused this, but the blade itself.

"Now the final touch.." Dae said, and moving over to a nearby shelf, he felt around, removing the silver chain with the Eleventh Baronial ring attached to it. Taking the chain, he connected it to the silver hilt of the blade so that the ring hang loosely at the side of pommel of the sword, glittering in the light as it swung back and forth.

Eyeing the blade a final time, he nodded..quite pleased. He picked up the black metal encased silver sheath lying on the table, it was mostly undecorated..except for another full size engraving of Tiamat. Raising the blade, his face settled..

"A Disastrous Event causing Great Misery. A State of Distress or Adversity."

Sheathing the blade..he uttered a final complete his sentence.

