10 Reasons why I(Me) should be The Overlord

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10 Reasons why I(Me) should be The Overlord

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:06 pm

From: bumuz@aol.com (Bum UZ)
Date: 04 Jun 2000 02:41:29 EDT

10. I can pronounce Scimitar with out the "C"
9. "Artemidorus, Master of all he Surveys" has a nice ring to it
8. I know how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
7. I assassinated the cruel man that put an "S" in the word "lisp"
6. I've come back after over two years and people still remember me
5. I sure do got a purdy mouth
4. My fingers look like little people
3. I'm 100% recyclable and not spontaneously combustible
2. It would save every one alot of time
1. The Barons wouldn't have to hack each other into pieces to become OL

Slayer of wicked witches
"Strangers have the best candy"