Night time chores

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Night time chores

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:51 pm

From: (Cpt EllisaMorgan)
Date: 17 Jun 2000 02:10:04 EDT

It was a nice night, not so warm to make the exercise a chore and not so cold that she needed to put on extra layers.

It was nearing dawn, she could tell by the looking at the horizon, the waiting sun would colour the sky and drain it of it's eternal depths and beauty. Ellisa loved the night, she could sail anywhere in the world and beyond following the constellations and she loved the simple chores with which she set herself to aboard her ship.

The Dragon would be docked for some time to come, a run up the coast had proven more than expected when an early summer storm had battered the ship against the coastal reefs. The yard dogs promised that her ship would take priority, but in a town as corrupt as Rhydin, one could never be certain those officials you paid off would stay bought.

"A new fellow?"

The voice shattered her wandering thoughts and caused her hands to pause in their efforts to straighten the folded sails properly. "Yes," a pause, "no, not really. An acquaintance from the rings."

The man that spoke slid down the ladder he stood upon to land nimbly on the deck. He moved with a grace born on the waves, more at home with the sway of the ocean beneath his feet, as was Ellisa.

Paul watched her as she resumed her work. She was in her mid-twenties, he knew that and yet she looked no older than the day he had met her some six years ago. Her blonde hair was captured by a leather tie and gathered at the nape of her neck, she was a beauty, he thought distantly.

More importantly, he believed, she was the most capable captain he'd ever had the honour of serving. Despite her chosen profession there was an honesty ingrained deep in her soul, from all accounts, she'd gotten that from her father.

Her crew served her wholeheartedly, and it pained him to notice the haunted echo in her eyes, the pupils that were now ringed with a strange silver starburst never seemed to hold the unbidden joy of life anymore.

There was more than one crew member that would have gladly plunged a dagger into the source of her troubles but for the knowledge that she would not take kindly to it held their hands. More than one crew member, himself included, thought Ellisa simply needed to find someone that could make her laugh and let her go freely to her home on the ocean.

She allowed Paul to stand in silence, she didn't really have much to say tonight, it was a time of relaxation and she needed no lectures from him this eve. The conversation would not begin as a lecture, but she had come to know the man well and he rarely gave up an opportunity to speak his mind.

"I need you to find Billy Ray for me," she said at last. The task should keep him busy, "And bring the men you have used to trail me with you on this. It is important that he be found immediately, I have given my word."

He bit back a retort, he sent those men to protect her, she was needed here. Those words would do no good, he knew it, she knew it and so he nodded to her. She turned away from him having said all she intended, so he spoke the words to her, "We will be in port for some time, I know that Billy Ray is not your type," he drew a breath, "perhaps this new fellow is."

Before she could reply he turned upon his heels and left, off in search of Billy Ray ... he always spoke his mind, whether the Captain was too stubborn to listen or not.