Challenge for the First Baronial Ring

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Challenge for the First Baronial Ring

Post by DoS Archive » Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:58 pm

From: (Dae Dragonsblade)
Date: 09 Sep 2000 16:18:08 EDT

It's official.


I issue challenge unto Baron Deluthan Ev'rt, the steward of the First Ring. The reasons are quite clear and simple. First and foremost, I do not agree with a great deal of the Baron's recent statements concerning some Council decisions. I've brought these to attention on the board, and recieved answers..however, after his answers, the situation was still unsettling to me and there appeared to be no clarifications as time progressed and others asked
about his decisions.
One of the more major reasons I issue this challenge now is that
the Baron since garnering the First Ring almost 5 months ago, he hasn't been challenge once. There are other Barons who haven't been challenged equally as long, granted..but the First held peculiar interest with me since my first bid against Seamus for it. Also, I'm sure the Baron would appreciate the exercise of trying to garner a defense. Plus, I haven't been reasonably sure of his change in character since his arguement over his challenge to the
2nd. Maybe he has truly changed and I haven't paid attention. He also hasn't dueled officially in quite a few weeks to my understanding as well so I am curious as to how this will turn out.
I look forward to your response Baron Ev'rt and hopefully I can look forward
to an equally fine match later on down the road. My Peer Wins are as follows and upon verification, I will expect to hear from you.

~Daelin Dragonsblade
~XXXIX Overlord of the Duel of Swords, Defender of the Blue Opal, Icedancer

(( Please bear with the list, I had a more detailed one that I lost including the dates and callers..but I pulled these from the past Standings, so they can be checked on the firewall if need be. ))

1. Warlord Ecorian Havoick 5-4 in 10 rounds. ((XHavoickX, Standings 7/19/00))
2. Warlord Cassius Gaius Maximius 5-4 in 9 rounds. ((Cas Maxim, Standings 7/26))
3. Warlady Jaycynda Ashleana 5-2.5 in 10 rounds. ((Jaycy Ashleana, Standings 7/26))
4. Warlord Ministere Secondat 5-4 in 9 rounds. ((Secondat, Standings 7/26))
5. Warlord Damien Cetran 5-2 in 7 rounds. ((Sir Cetran, Standings 7/26))
6. Warlord John Tasslehofl Momus 5-3 in 8 rounds. ((Tasslehofl, Standings 8/02))
7. Baron Var Medici-Giovanni 5-2.5 in 7 rounds. ((QuickVarMG, Standings 8/23))
8. Baron Sartan 5-2 in 8 rounds. ((Sartan Z, Standings 8/23))
9. Warlord Cletus Ganderfald 5-0 in 8 rounds. ((Cletus Gandrfald, Standings 9/06))
10. Warlord Verceterix Favre 5-2 in 8 rounds. ((Verceterix Favre, Standings 9/06))