A fine Fairwell

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A fine Fairwell

Post by DoS Archive » Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:27 am

From: knight7044@aol.com (Knight7044)
Date: 29 Oct 2000 00:51:25 EDT

Sir Robert had finally got his horse and Equipment packed as he again look over the
letter he had gotten from a friend far to the east about his skills and services that would
be needed there. Sir Robert recalls his memory here with the duel of swords and his work
as frist a sentry in the Castle Question and his friend and King Val and how he save a
elf Queen and them the letter from his home temple and his needed help. Them his return
and the Castle in ruins and his taking on a lady friend and student as he became repected warlord and friend of many here in the dueling hall. He sighs and all the good times and his many friends. Has the cycles came and when another student and good
friend and a house that came and when like the wind now Sir Robert get up on his black
chestnut horse his eyes scan the horizon he gave the horse a gentle nudge into a walk on
dirt road to the east as the sun set in the west will he return he smiles one more
look back at the red dragon Inn and the place know as rhydin.He crest a hill
and them he gone.

Sir Robert
Knight of the Holy Order