Nin's new Roommate

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Nin's new Roommate

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:41 am

From: (MissNButtons)
Date: 22 Sep 2001 11:50:50 EDT

Nin sat on her knees in front of her lock box the size of a large chest. She carefully placed the leather pouch she carried tied to her belt loop inside. The sun was coming up and it was time to rest, and she learned the hard way that she had to protect her valuables while she slept. She nearly panicked when it was misplaced in that old dusty
library, and she knew EXACTLY where she had left it. She didn't know who had moved, or if they even knew what was inside, but she was going to be more careful from now on. She closed the lid; thrilled she had managed to get a lock of Cory's dull red hair.
She removed a smaller lock box from inside that seemed to be identical to the larger, except for it's size. She placed a key that looked more like a sealing stamp than a key on the lid of the box and opened it, checking to make sure there was nothing inside. Satisfied, she closed the lid and relocked it, then closed the lid on the larger box and locked it with a separate key, which she put in her pocket.
Standing up, the knees of her pants dusty, she moved towards the back room of the shack. The Elf, Malhavoc, was still sleeping, so she laid the box on the ground next to his pack with the key on top. She spotted the nearly empty bottle of wine and decided he wouldn't mind if she had just one more sip. She uncorked the bottle and placed it to her lips, she had to tilt it rather high and more rushed into her mouth than she had planned. She
almost choked on it, and the taste was a bit stronger than she remembered, but the last few sips of most alcoholic beverages were like that. She looked into the bottle and saw there was maybe a swallow left and went ahead and drank it too, wrinkling her nose a bit. Then she recorked the bottle and put it back where she got it from and headed to her own bed of leaves and feathers in the front room near the pot belly cooking stove. She didn't bother
undressing, she never did. She just laid down on the thick blanket, placing one arm under her pillow, and curled up into a ball and went to sleep.