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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:37 pm

From: (Yerlaine StCroix)
Date: 27 Jun 2002 19:48:53 EDT

~Dusk, Rhydin~

The sweltering heat of the sun finally subsided as he rode into the welcomed shade of Rhydin. He had been riding all day, coming from the far distant northlands down to the city of Rhydin. However, the day's ride had been nothing compared to the total length of his journey. For 2 long months he had ridden everyday in order to make it to the city. Finally, he had arrived.

He swung down from the white steed he had been riding, and the horse shifted, glad to be relieved of the weight. It was then he noticed the people, a swirling mill of people of every shape, size and color. This was why he had come to Rhydin, it was a journey to harvest souls, souls for the Sanctus. His thoughts travelled back to the day he had been given the assignment by Bishop Terenius, himself. ~~

"Yerlaine, my son. We have a new assignment for you. This one, you will be happy to know has been passed down from the Pontiff himself." Bishop Terenius beamed from behind his highly polished oak desk as he pushed a crisp scroll of paper toward his young pupil. The seal of the Sanctus was stitched on the scroll by small strands of silver.

Yerlaine bowed deeply to the bishop and carefully unravelled the scroll and read it. Surprise transformed the expression on the young Atoner's face as he read. "My lord Bishop, it seems that this order is specified for me. There must be a mistake. And even if more Atoners were meant to travel on this journey with me, I am not the senior officer and I cannot except such a great honor of leading this journey."

"There is no mistake. It is meant specifically for you, Yerlaine. The Pontiff asked me who my greatest Atoner was, and I responded to him that it was indeed you. Do not make me appear to be a fool. You disagree with the Pontiff's order?" Bishop Terenius focused his gaze on his young pupil while Yerlaine seemed to be debating on an answer. Finally, the Bishop sat back in his plush leather seat, satisfied in knowing that the only thing stronger than
Yerlaine's physical body was his faith.

"I accept. With great honor." Yerlaine again bowed to the bishop. "However, I do have a question or two before I prepare for my journey."

Terenius nodded. "Go ahead, my son."

"We Atoners are primarily demon hunters, my lord Bishop. This seems to be an evangelical mission I am being sent on. Alone. Wouldn't the office of a few priests be more satisfactory to the Pontiff's wishes?" The surprise on the young Atoner's face was replaced with a deep-set confusion. "Furthermore, I do not believe I am the greatest Atoner to come out of your tutelege. You were the first Atoner, Bishop Terenius, and the best. I can only hope to
live up to half of your greatness."

The Bishop sighed. "Yerlaine, I was indeed the first Atoner. However, I recognize that you will soon surpass anything I have ever accomplished for the Sanctus Order if you have not already done so. Your talents are astonishing, with a weapon or without. Your powers are amazing, even you cannot deny that. It has been that way since I found you as a small boy and decided to train you as an Atoner. Besides, I am an old man now. It is only right that I
pass the reigns along. Someday, you will become the head Bishop for the Atoners when I am gone."

Bishop Terenius watched the mixed look of confusion and duty set into Yerlaine's face before he continued on. "Furthermore, Rhydin is infested with demons and heathens alike. False prophets, and even false gods. It would be a great accomplishment if you save one soul from that city. The Pontiff knows this. Maybe in his own heart, he not only feels Rhydin needs a priest, but also an Atoner to deal with such demons."

Yerlaine nodded and then quickly bowed. "I will do my best, my lord Bishop."

"Good." Terenius nodded. "Dismissed."

Yerlaine turned quickly on his heels and strode from the room and back to his quarters in order to prepare for the journey.~~

Now he was here, in Rhydin. The city he had heard so much about, even from childhood. The first place he had stopped by was an Inn in order to make arrangements for his extended stay here. While he refreshed his painfully dry throat with water from the downstairs bar, he heard tales about the fabled Arenas of Rhydin. Heroes and villians of all kind seemed to frequent these places, and he believed if he was going to make a start, the Arenas would be
the place to do it. Maybe if he made a name for himself, and the Sanctus Order, people would come to him. Besides that, it was a great place to get practice since he was no longer able to utilize the high-tech facilities of the Sanctus.

Rhydin's day of Atonement had arrived.