Challenge Results for the Ring of the 10th

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DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Challenge Results for the Ring of the 10th

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:58 pm

From: (HOST PCG Sevn)
Date: 15 Jul 2002 23:12:22 EDT

To all who see this post note that on the 15th day of the 7th Month in the 2002 year by the Eastern Calendar a challenge match for the Ring of the 10th was conducted. Baron Var Medici-Giovanni holder of the ring defended it against the challenge of the Warlord Lord Arithon.

Baron Var Medici-Giovanni's colors were metallic silver swords clashing over a ocean blue background. With his rapier Fallen Crew he dueled for the honor of his beloved wife Lady Noelle Medici-Giovanni.

The Challenger, Lord Arithon had for his colors a pure black banner of exile. His lady of honor was Olivia Silvanos, and his Second was Grayson MacLeod

In this match, which followed the best of three format Lord Arithon defeated Baron Var Medici-Giovanni for the right to wear the Ring of the 10th

Scores were as follows:

Match One: Lord Arithon wins, 5-2 in 7 rounds.
Match Two Baron Var Medici-Giovanni wins, 5-3.5 in 10 rounds.
Match Three: Lord Arithon wins, 5-2 in 8 rounds.

LrdArithon: 1) Fancy Lateral Parry QuickVarMG: 1. High Cut
LrdArithon: 2) Low Cut QuickVarMG: 2. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 3) Fancy Lateral Parry QuickVarMG: 3. Fancy Sidestep
LrdArithon: 4) Thrust QuickVarMG: 4. Thrust
LrdArithon: 5) Fancy Circular Parry QuickVarMG: 5. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 6) Fancy Lateral Parry QuickVarMG: 6. Thrust
LrdArithon: 7) Thrust QuickVarMG: 7. High Cut

LrdArithon: 1) Thrust QuickVarMG: 1. Thrust
LrdArithon: 2) Low Cut QuickVarMG: 2. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 3) Thrust QuickVarMG: 3. Thrust
LrdArithon: 4) Fancy Circular Parry QuickVarMG: 4. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 5) Low Cut QuickVarMG: 5. Fancy Circular Parry
LrdArithon: 6) Fancy Sidestep QuickVarMG: 6. Fancy Sidestep
LrdArithon: 7) Fancy Circular Parry QuickVarMG: 7. Fancy Lateral Parry
LrdArithon: 8) Fancy Sidestep QuickVarMG: 8. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 9) Circular Parry QuickVarMG: 9. Thrust
LrdArithon: 10) Slash QuickVarMG: 10. Fancy Sidestep

LrdArithon: 1) Fancy Circular Parry QuickVarMG: 1. Fancy Circular Parry
LrdArithon: 2) Fancy Lateral Parry QuickVarMG: 2. Thrust
LrdArithon: 3) Thrust QuickVarMG: 3. Fancy Circular Parry
LrdArithon: 4) Low Cut QuickVarMG: 4. High Cut
LrdArithon: 5) Thrust QuickVarMG: 5. Fancy Duck
LrdArithon: 6) High Cut QuickVarMG: 6. Fancy Sidestep
LrdArithon: 7) Low Cut QuickVarMG: 7. Low Cut
LrdArithon: 8) Thrust QuickVarMG: 8. High Cut

DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:58 pm

From: (QuickVarMG)
Date: 16 Jul 2002 00:35:51 EDT

Well won, Arithon. I thank those who attended, especially my dear wife.

And as you all probably imagine, I will be back for it soon, and I do not plan to fail again.

Var Medici-Giovanni

Proud Father, Proud Husband
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:58 pm

From: (Cassius Maxim)
Date: 16 Jul 2002 12:43:33 EDT

"And as you all probably imagine, I will be back for it soon, and I do not
plan to fail again."

Why am I not surprised?

By the way, this was the first Baronial challenge with a Bo3 where the ring changed hands that lasted three duels. All others, the challenger won the ring in two duels straight.

Good dueling.

Cassius Gaius Maximius