I'm gonna duel Daelin.

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DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

I'm gonna duel Daelin.

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:59 pm

From: gnrtdrgoon@aol.com (GnrtDrgoon)
Date: 18 Jul 2002 17:29:56 EDT

As sent in a letter, and posting it here to let you guys know what's going on. Not that I have to or anything, cause I don't. This is strictly a courtesy to you dueling patrons. I ain't posting it for honor, or to look good or anything, but just cause I, well, usually do. So, Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. You can thank me some other time for letting you freaks know I'm gonna duel.


My name is G'nort Esplenade Dragoon somethingorother. In the name of the Gnomish armies from wherever the hell they're from, I'm calling you out. I'm gonna lay a smackdown or something with some sort of thing, and take that shiny precious thing from your finger. Ehh...

Okay, I was tired of the whole respectable, honorable, "I hereby issue forth and sooth" or what not type of challenge, so I added humor. But in any case, it's still a challenge, cause Dae needs challenging, and I got my plans for making sure the Barons get their work in.

Win or Lose, doesn't matter. So long as the match is good, fun, and done well. I just felt that Baron types need their work done every so often, and sitting around for a long time just isn't healthy to a Baron. So, I'm here to give Dae his workout, since he's next on the list I got of Barons needing a challenge workout.

Go Me!

By the way, I'm challenging Daelin Dragonsblade, not sure if I made that clear or not.

Peer Listing:
1) I beat Tasslehof 5-2 7rds 4-19-02 Var called it.
2) I beat QuickVarMG 5-4, 9rds 4-19-02 Ria called it.
3) I beat Sgt Sneggle 5-2.5 9rds 4-27-02 Poison called it.
4) I beat TristonLkL 5-2.5 10rds 4-26-02 Poison called it.
5) I beat II Gold II 7-6 13rds 5-02-02 Dunno who called it.
6) I beat LrdArithon 4.5-3.5 15rds 5-04-02 Caleb called it.
7) I beat Itharrx 5-4 12rds 5-11-02 Stormi called it.
8) I beat Blindfold Proxy 5-2 8rds 7-11-02 Lydia called it.
9) I beat LrdArcanum 5-1 6rds 7-12-02 Var called it.
10) I beat PaddFoot 5-3 11rds 7-12-02 Var called it.
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:00 pm

From: daedragonsblade@aol.com (Dae Dragonsblade)
Date: 20 Jul 2002 14:28:06 EDT


I have accepted the challenge of this
foul-smelling beast who walks like a man. G'nort is a pestilence that has affected the Duels for far too long. He is like a rash that appears to be going away, and then comes back worse than before each time. He is a Methous, plain and simple. But I..I shall be the savior, I will be the ointment to apply to this rash and make sure that it is gone for good.

As a matter of fact, G'nort does not deserve to face me in the ring and he will meet the Overlord in my stead. He will not get near the First Ring, I promise you this. Consider it my service to the Community.

Oh yeah...one more thing. I accepted, G has the opportunity to pick between the Best of Three and a Single Shot. And it's going to be a fun, friendly match. Details will be forthcoming.

~Daelin Dragonsblade
~Baron of the First
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:00 pm

From: cassiusmaxim@aol.com (Cassius Maxim)
Date: 20 Jul 2002 14:58:16 EDT

Sounds like my acceptances to Lorance.

Except I was serious.

Cassius Gaius Maximius
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:00 pm

From: gnrtdrgoon@aol.com (GnrtDrgoon)
Date: 20 Jul 2002 15:14:06 EDT

Well, see... That foul thing I was taking care of, I switched from Zest to Irish Spring.

But that Methous crack.. that hurt. Like, lots and lots. I'm wounded and already defeated and I...

Never mind, I'ma kick you in the Jimmy.

Best of three cool? We wanna have a party.

You bring the beer, babes, and snacks, And I'll bring... me.
