Setting up a challenge

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Setting up a challenge

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:23 pm

From: (SpifyMcBng)
Date: 04 Mar 2003 00:04:54 EST

So Goon lumbered on back to the RhyDin Public Library, a bouncing ball of happiness all the way, to tell his good friend Sue what happened.
"Nice library lady! Where be? Goon lot done do fight thing!"
She stepped out of the back room- Goon seemed to go a lot of places that have back rooms- waving her hands at him.
"Goon! Shush! It's late!"
He flailed. "Goon sorry!" He was quieter.. not really quiet, but you take what you can get. "Lucy man beat Goon lot good!"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Goon..."
"Lot ok! Lucy man fight lot lot good! Goon get fight lot lot lot good Thorn man for be most lot good fighter man!"
And Sue stopped, realized what he meant, and began talking all about seconds and ladies and honor and proper tires. Goon didn't know exactly what she meant, but she was lot smart, and she'd explain it all later anyway, so he bounced and grinned and flailed and grinned some more. If the nice library lady was this happy, it definitely meant something good.