54th Overlord

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DoS Archive
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54th Overlord

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:12 pm

From: hostgameriever@aol.com (HOST Game Riever)
Date: 16 May 2003 00:47:39 EDT

Ladies and gents,
I did witness and officiate this night, the 15th of May, 2003 a challenge by the Baron of the Ninth, Cassius Maximus to the 53rd Overlord, Goon.

The Baron was tested.
Goon chose Bubbles to test the Baron, A coin toss chose Topaz Eludes to champion the Baron.
they fought 12 rounds with Bubbles winning 5-4 in that many rounds.

Bubbles then face Cassius and was defeated 5-.5 in 9 rounds paving the way for Cassius to face Goon.

This duel lasted 8 rounds with Cas winning 5-4 in 8 as the pair traded in the end. Cassius becomes the 54th Overlord

Cassius gave the Ninth's ring to Goon as Chris Graziano and Ticallion Carter declared themselves renegade to the crown.
below are the exerpts from the three duels

Goon was seconded by Karen Wilder and his LOH and his Champion was HardkoreBubbles. Team Fist's banner was flown.

Cas, did the white banner with the eagle clutching arrows thing, S.P.Q.R.in the banner in Latin looking letters.
His Second was Lucian, his daughter Aurelia Maximius was his Lady of Honor

Duel one, Topaz vs. Bubbles

Ring of Honor, round 1) A grand beginning as Topaz and Bubble trade cuts, Topaz high, Bubble low.
Ring of Honor, round 2) A reversal by Bubbles clots the fancy sidestepping Topaz mid stride.
Ring of Honor, round 3) Bubble tries to allude the low cut by Topaz with a step of her own with the same results. 2 all
Ring of Honor, round 4) Topaz penguins all fancy like as Bubbles poses in a stop hit for naught.
Ring of Honor, round 5) Bubble is ready for the Topaz thrust with a timely lat parry for the advantage.
Ring of Honor, round 6) Topaz tries a low cut but Bubbles thrusts over it to score and leads 3.5-2 after 6 rounds.
Ring of Honor, round 7) Bubbles whiffs with a high cut as Topaz ducks fancily neath it for a point. 3.5-3 Bubbles.
Ring of Honor Round 8) once again Bubbles lands a thrust. This one under the Topaz high cut making it 4.5-3 Bubbles
Ring of Honor Round 9) Bubbles goes in cutting low and feels the bite of the Topaz thrust making it 4.5-4 Bubbles.
Ring of Honor Round 10) an ill fated slash by Bubbles shows why one should never do so when your opponent cuts low. Topaz leads 5-4.5 in 10 rounds.
Ring of Honor Round 11) Bubbles ties it at 5 by ducking under Topaz's fancy lateral.
Ring of Honor Round 12) Interestingly, Bubbles lands yet another thrust, this one for the win over Topaz's low cut.

Act II

Bubbles then faced the Baron

Ring of Honor Round 1) Cas takes the low road as Bubbles parries high. Point to the Roman.
Ring of Honor Round 2) Cas scores another with a thrust into the ducking Bubbles.
Ring of Honor Round 3) Meeting low, each cut to no avail and the scoring is halted for the moment
Ring of Honor Round 4) ut oh, the mirroring has begun. Cas and Bubbles stop hit for naught.
Ring of Honor Round 5) Cas is onto Bubbles high cut like a duck to a June bug. His fancy lat denies the cut and scores him a third point.
Ring of Honor Round 6) Non event, Cas fancies a circ as Bubbles turns a simple lateral and we press on.
Ring of Honor Round 7) Bubbles mounts a comeback and circ parries the thrust if Cas for the advantage. 3-.5 Cas leads.
Ring of Honor Round 8) Bubbles goes to cutting, all low and everything, Cas picks it off with a fancy round parry making it 4-.5.
Ring of Honor round 9) A lot of movement in this one, Cas fancy steps aside as bubbles disses.
Ring of Honor Round 10) Bubbles thrusts on Que as Cas poses in the stop hit. Cas secures the win and the chance to face the Overlord.

Goon meets Cas

Ring of Honor, for real, round 1) Cas cuts low and nails Goon as he lumbers back in his fanciest Dis.
Ring of Honor, for real, round 2) .Goon puts amove on the the fancy lateraling Baron and steps to the side real fancy like making in 1 all
Ring of Honor, for real, round 3) Cas pokes the high swinging Goon for the 2-1 lead.
Ring of Honor, for real, round 4) Goon quacks fancy as Cas breaks to the side fancy like and neither manage to score.
Ring of Honor, for real, round 5) Goon lumbers off in a fancy sidestep and is tripped up by Cas' low cut 3-1 Cas now.
Ring of Honor for real , Round 6) Goon slashes the daylights out of Cas' fancy circ. Yeowch 3-2 Cas still leads.
Ring of Honor for real Round 7) Cas fancily ducks into Goon's low cut and its 4-3
Ring of Honor for real Round 8) Cas and Goon trade, each score but Cas' low cut gets him the title of OL
5-4 in 8 Cas wins
DoS Archive
Posts: 30701
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:12 pm

From: eilemcbride@aol.com (EIle McBride)
Date: 18 May 2003 10:50:20 EDT

Congratulations, Lord Maximius. Wear the crown proudly, as I know you will.

~ Elle R. McBride
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:12 pm

From: amaltea@aol.com (Amaltea)
Date: 18 May 2003 15:20:16 EDT

Congratulations, Cass! :)
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:12 pm

From: prlunicorn@aol.com (PrlUnicorn)
Date: 19 May 2003 04:28:50 EDT

Congratulations, Roman. You did well.

DoS Archive
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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:27 am

Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:13 pm

From: quickvarmg@aol.com (QuickVarMG)
Date: 20 May 2003 17:52:52 EDT

Congratulations to the two duelists. For reference, I have declared the 10th Loyal to the Overlord. A copy of the letter is included because, well, you're all probably wondering why I would bother.

As per the right granted in the rules, I am declaring my alignment within one week of the dethroned Overlord.
In the future, Cas, do not presume to declare a baron's rank until you are allowed to. I'd think you would show more regard to the rules in public.
Either way, I am declaring the 10th ring Loyal. The shallow loyalty is quite obvious, but then again, the Overlord is too used to giving instead of receiving it.
Lucky for you, Cas, there's only one way you can be challenged until the Warlord Tourney is up. I'm sure there are several lining up already.

Var Medici-Giovanni
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:13 pm

From: cassiusmaxim@aol.com (Cassius Maxim)
Date: 20 May 2003 21:42:10 EDT

For the record, the Baron of the Tenth has been realigned to Renegade.

Cassius Gaius Maximius
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:13 pm

From: elijahbasiauhr@aol.com (Elijah Basia Uhr)
Date: 21 May 2003 10:49:57 EDT

Congrats Cassius on becoming Overlord

Regards with respect, skill, and honor to the Blade,

Rest in reason, pursue in passion,

Elijah Basia Uhr

Former Baron of the Fifth, Seventh, Eigth, Ninth, Twelfth Rings of Swords
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:14 pm

From: karenwilder@aol.com (Karen Wilder)
Date: 28 May 2003 16:59:35 EDT

I figured someone'd go Loyal, jest tae make Cassius realign 'em tae Renegade.

Kinda surprised it were Var, but then he's always been a stickler fer th' Rules like me.

'Course you know Var, ye kin still challenge Cassius fer realignin' ye. Uziel did it when Marzan realigned him durin' a Tourney!

Don' matter much tae me who be th' Overlord ifin I win th' Challenge Right.

Lady Karen Wilder
Knight-Captain of the Order of the Knights Templar.
First Catholic Church of Rhy-Din
DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:14 pm

From: ladydrakewyn@aol.com (Lady Drakewyn)
Date: 03 Jun 2003 06:50:51 EDT

Very early in the morning, just as the sun begins to rise in the East, the door to the Arena opens. A woman's arm, clad in dark green velvet, holds the door open and two young girls step inside. The first is perhaps twelve, yet her long hair is ashen grey. The other is perhaps six, with pale skin and short, curly red hair.
Hubie looks up from raking the sand and waves to the little girls. The younger shrinks back, but with a little encouragement from the elder she waves in return.
"Mama said for me to put this..." the young girl trails off, daunted by the echoes even her soft voice made in the dueling cavern.
Hubie just smiles and points to the corkboard, remembering both the children and their mother well... despite all the time that had past.
With more encouragement from the elder girl, the young girl makes her way down the stairs. Thoughtfully, Hubie brings a chair over to the corkboard... so she may stand on it to put up the paper she holds so carefully.
The young child places the page against the cork, says a few words in a long-dead language and a faint glow suffuses the area... followed by the scent of roses.
Satisfied, and praised by the elder girl, the younger hops down from the chair and hurries up the stairs. The elder girl gives Hubie a hug, much to his embarressment and a few cheers from the other boys, before following.
Just as the girls reach the door, the sun rises above the rooftops of the city and shines into the cavern... brightening it, if only for a moment, before the door closes once more.
Hubie sighs and returns the chair to it's table. Then he diligently begins sweeping the floor... all except for a small scattering of golden rosepetals near a solitary pillar. Those, he simply leaves alone.

A short while later, one of the other lads's curiosity gets the better of him and he walks over to read the note.
It is a short note... the words written in a flowing, familiar hand.

Congratulations, Overlord.

You have done that which I would not, and succeeded. Keep in mind all that you have learned and seen, and your reign will prosper.

Your friend.

At the end of the note is the drawing of a gryphon clutching a rose, drawn in green ink.