Public Apology to Noelle

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Public Apology to Noelle

Post by DoS Archive » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:01 pm

Date: 8/16/97 2:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: QuickVar65

::Goes to the boards, eyes showing pain... writes a small note::

Darling Noelle... I am sorry for my actions I made in the arena earlier this evening. I was in pain and I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me in such a state. It was wrong of me to publically ask you to leave, for nobody knew the true reason, and I truly needed you by my side. Please forgive me Noelle, I need you.

I hate myself for asking you to leave, because it was everything I never wanted. I always have, always will, and always want to have you by my side. You are the love of my life, and nothing will change it. Any attempts I will see to it that they are kept out of our life, because I only want you happy. ::Puts a tack through the hole of a golden ring, tacking the note up::

Date: 8/16/97 2:41 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: NoeIle34

::sighs, placing a hand wearily to her temple:: I thought when you said you wanted to spend the night in the arena, when you sent me away...twas another woman who captured your attention ::blinking away the tears misting her deep green eyes::

Date: 8/16/97 3:34 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drakewynx

::Soft smile::
Come now Noelle... you know that Var would never do such to you. You have a good man there, hold him tight.


Date: 8/16/97 3:45 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: QuickVar65


Never would there be another woman I could love. You are my world, my happiness, my life. There is no woman in this world or any other that has made my life what it is today... That life is pure happiness, and joy of life itself. I love you Noelle, always...

Date: 8/16/97 4:32 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: NoeIle34

::softly:: Oh darling, please forgive me. ::ashamed of her thought of Var straying:: I love you with all my heart, Var. You're my world...the moon, the stars. Without you, I would wither away to nothingness. ::her thoughts of the baby nestled inside her...Var's child:: You have given me two
precious gifts, m'love and now a third. I have always loved you...I will love you forever. You are the love I have searched for all my life.

Date: 8/16/97 12:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LdyAja

::reads the posts and wipes away a few tears. The tender words from both people lend to the belief that true love does indeed live. She posts a short note for the two of them::

Noelle and Var,
Both of you are the reason that romance novels are written. It's heartwarming to see.

Your Friend,

~Lady Aja~

Date: 8/16/97 4:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: NoeIle34

::She runs to grab her silk shawl from the peg, and places it lightly about her slender shoulders, in a haste to be home at Rosevale Manor and to feel her husband's strong arms around her. As she passes the message boards, her eyes catch a glint of something shining there, in the late afternoon sun. She slowly walks closer to examine it, her fingers gently caressing Var's note, then reaches up and takes the gold ring, tears of happiness misting her lovely green eyes, as
a vision of her breathtakingly handsome husband fills her senses...of his thoughtful and sweet
caring ways. And with heart light and deeply in love, she places the eternal ring of gold upon her finger, murmuring his name:: Var

Date: 8/16/97 4:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: PKardinal

::smiles at Aja's note::

It is heartwarming....just as long as Var isn't another Fabio on the cover of one of those novel's....:D

Date: 8/16/97 4:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: NoeIle34

::raises a finely arched brow:: Still reading those novels, Lord Philip? ::supressing a grin::

Date: 8/17/97 10:29 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: PKardinal

::chuckles at Noelle::

I'll do anything to pick up a few tips! ::winks::[/i]