So the Little People Know-July/August Edition

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So the Little People Know-July/August Edition

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 5:02 pm

Date: 7/27/2000 1:57 AM Central Daylight Time
From: AnubiKar

My indisputable right to hold Pathfinder has been challenged by resident moron Xerzes Maureen, who can't even show the common courtesy to send me the initial missive. I had to find out from other sources. Thank you, Xerzes for being so considerate. But since this appendix in the body of DoF is ranked at Emerald-with a very impressive 16 wins over losses too, you can bet your last deben he won't be dueling from now until the match-I have to accept.
And so, I do.

Anubis Karos