Re: Outback Exchange

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DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Outback Exchange

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 5:42 pm

Date: 7/28/2000 12:51 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Flavorless Gum

Dustin casually strolled to the boards, smirking as he read over the post made by Mr. Danziger.

"Heh, I feel so....loved."

With a smile, he walked off to his house.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 5:43 pm

Date: 8/8/2000 11:29 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Maetel Cat

When Mr. Danziger gave him the job of delivering the notice to this particular fighter he had said, "Rumor has it that she's living in the Outback. They're having some sort of trouble with the rebuilding, so be careful John."
"Some sort of trouble?" he thought out loud as he stepped through the broken door. "I wonder what kind of trouble... Maybe getting out of bed."

Maetel was napping in the back room when her sharp hearing caught the sound of an unfamiliar voice in the main room. Silently, she rose from the pile of scavenged couch cushions and blankets and crept toward the door.

John walked further into the mess that was the Outback, amazed at the sheer level of destruction that had been wrought. "And they only do bare-handed fighting here? Sheesh, I'd hate to see what these people would do if they had knives!"
A simple misstep put his foot through a weakened section of the floorboards, tearing his pants and cutting his leg slightly. "((insert ToSable word here.))!" he yelled, lifting his foot carefully. "They should just level this place!"

Which, as everyone knows by now, is something you shouldn't say where Maetel can hear... With a single leap, she sprang from the doorway to the back room to land in front of the stranger. "Make-fight-place is belong for to Maetel now-times! No is for be broke!"

John always considered himself a smart man. Quick on his feet and able to talk his way out of most problems...
This, unfortunately, was a bit much for him ... and he did what many middle-aged stock brokers might do in this situation... He fainted. The letter for Maetel falling from his hand to land on the ground beside him.

Maetel, for her part, was a bit surprised at this. She was used to people falling down if she hit them, but she certainly wasn't used to people falling down because she growled at them. "Is person-man be dead?" she asked him, crouching down. He didn't seem to be dead. She could still hear him breathing. "Person-man was for be sleepy." She determined, and picked him up, carrying him over to the mildly scorched couch, sans cushions.
On her way back to her room, she spotted the letter on the floor. She recognized her name on it, but when she tried reading it she found that she did not understand many of the words. "Tell-story-man is help Maetel," she decided, and dashed out the door to find her friend.

John woke with a start a few minutes later ... his shoes were gone, stolen by the Koalas, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. Quickly making his way out, he started composing his letter of resignation from Nakatomi Consolidated Bank & Trust.


Truth is but an illusion... illusion, truth.