RhyDin Times-Reporter Sixth Edition

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RhyDin Times-Reporter Sixth Edition

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 6:12 pm

Date: 10/8/2000 1:36 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Eli Grady

The RhyDin Times-Reporter "The Voice of the Inner Worlds "Volume One Edition Six

Publisher: Garon Fondor
Editor: Sylyim Fondor
Editorials Garumph Fondor
Secretary/Treasurer Lili Fondor
Socials Evan Fondor

Eli Grady Reporter

DUEL of SWORDS ~ Eli Grady

On the 2d day of the 10th month by the Eastern Calendar the Overlord Daegarth (Daegarth Mithmellon) and Baron Lucian (XxLucianxX) met in challenge to determine by sword who would be the Overlord.

For eight strong rounds the contest veered back and forth, but in the 9th and deciding round Lucian defeated Daegarth and claimed the title of Overlord

The new Overlord offered all Barons the right to declare their alignment as Loyals or Renegades. Daegarth and Karen Wilder declared themselves Renegade as did Dae (Dae Dragonsblade) and Cory (XHavoickX). In a surprise move brought a lot of attention Sartan (Sartan Z) retired his ring effective immediately. I can subscribe no opinion as to his motivation in doing this.

Earlier in the evening prior to the match Lucian and I had spoken briefly. During this conversation he mentioned that it was his intent to encourage the Barons to align as they saw fit. Efforts to interview Daegarth and his son Melgarth (Melgarth Mithmellon) after the challenge match were unsuccessful.

In a brief interview with Cas (Cas Maxim) after the match he stated that he liked and respected Lucian and respects Daegarth. Cas went on to say that In his opinion the DoS is undergoing a healing process from damages inflicted on it by previous Overlords and that the process under Lucian should continue.

We discussed how people perceive the elite of the DoS and Cas was of the opinion, and I quote "In this bloodsport, popularity only matters at the highest levels of rank and power. And even there, it is not everything. Ultimately, the skill of the blade decides everything." On that note the interview ended.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (The editor encourages all readers to write to us and expound on your particular point of view. Please keep your remarks to less then one full page. We reserve the right to edit for brevity)

This first letter is from a person named "G" who have some interesting views.

To whom it may concern,

While Ian and Sidartha are more.. polite in the matter, I will be as blunt and forthcoming as possible.

You, sir, are a complete fool. If you believe that there are some.. "Councils" that hold sway in RhyDin, you are sadly mistaken.

There is No law. And for you to imply that some Guild Dink could lodge a complaint against me, while I know you didn't mention my name in particular, I do know to what you were referring and that it was I, There is NO Council in existence that holds any power over me to punish me for remarks I made, make, and will continue to make.

I find the jottings of the columnist to be totally ignorant of a typical moron who supports guilds, and your standing up for him, while admirable, is misguided and just as ignorant. If you dislike my words, feel free to go to your "Council" and use the "Law" against me.

You will find nothing will happen from it, and my thoughts and words will continue to be unchanging.

And just so you know my opinion of your paper, it makes good lining for my kitty litter box.


(Editors comment: Thank you for expressing your opinion, it is for this right you so freely exercise that the armed forces of RhyDin have fought so valiantly, and so many times in our colorful history to defend)

This second letter is from a lady who also has interesting views.

Dear Editor:

Tis rather plain that the employees of the RhyDin Times-Reporter have little knowledge of the great city, or for that matter of the lands which surround it, or for that matter of the vast planet.

It is patently obvious that the employees of this so called newspaper, and I use the term, advisedly, know nothing at all of the vastness of the City or of its myriad citizens or of the estates, enclaves, manor and town houses, taverns, inns, shipyards, docks, market places, thoroughfares, alleys, highways and byways that are extant within its boundaries. It is beyond comprehension that you would permit your staff to continue in this attempt to
foist off on the populous such inaccurate information with the references made to the existence of such governmental agencies as a City Council or the Watch. For that matter, references made in past editions to a RhyDin Prison System, or a RhyDin Tax Authority or RhyDin City Engineering or RhyDin Public Works are beyond ludicrous. I may only presume that the staff of this paper has never so much as set foot beyond the Red Dragon Inn or the environs
of Twilight Island, The Outback or the basement beneath the Inn.

Perhaps your editorial staff should limit themselves to reporting on functions that they have in fact witnessed. Indeed, perhaps, the owner or owners of this so called newspaper might seriously consider an attempt to hire educated, professional and well trained reporters.

Personally, the editions extant to date leave much to be desired in the way of accurate reporting. I may only presume that the current editorial staff and roving reporters had few if any credentials from previous news agencies and quite apparently little or no experience in their chosen profession.

Perhaps one may charitably opine that since this newspaper seems to have on staff a number of people who carry the same surname, that nepotism held sway in its hiring practices which may account for the apparent lack of accurate reporting as well as the obvious lack of professionalism of its staff

Further, one must indeed wonder to whom this purported newspaper is paying taxes. Certainly any long time resident of the city would find it beyond amusing were anyone to come knocking at their door with a demand for tax payment claiming they represented the RhyDin Tax Authority.

The assertions made by one Sylyim Fondor as to the denizens of the City are beyond ridiculous. One must wonder to which society he or she is making reference. It is quite apparent that he or she has absolutely no first hand knowledge of the City or of its many residents or of its true extent. I am most assuredly amused to read of so called private armies purportedly in the employ of supposed pillars of RhyDin society which supposedly keeps the so
called undertown in its place. Odd that no one with whom I have spoken and who maintains a residence within the City has so much as lain eyes on the so called Watch.

The article by one Garumph Fondor regarding Guilds is beyond laughable. Assuredly there are some backward areas of the City where such an organization might be welcomed, though quite honestly, I would expect those areas are not often frequented by other than such denizens as one might come upon were one to venture to the Red Dragon Inn of an eve. Though perhaps one or more of this Galladrim has ventured upon the Isle as well as ventured to the
Outback and the Basement, one may only opine their presence is tolerated for in that these areas have long been held to be neutral ground wherein denizens from many planes, lands, universes, realms, and associations are not excluded. Assuredly were such rabble to venture upon private lands they would meet a well deserved demise as the scourge they represent.

If it the intention of the RhyDin Times to be considered a serious journalistic endeavor, it would perhaps behoove the owners, editors and reporters to stick with reporting the news accurately and cease attempting to claim that the newspaper is reporting on RhyDin, the City, the Planet, the Universe.

Though I have long subscribed to various news services, rest assured, I would offer not one copper for this service, not after having had the pleasure of reading the professionally written publications, The DoS Today and The Duly Noted. You may apprise your owners that to date, the five editions of your rag in no way measure up to the publications of Oscar Madison and his staff or of Johanna Gutenburgh and her staff or of Seamus MacDonnough and his
staff. You may further apprise your owner and your staff that I rather doubt the newspaper and its current staff shall ever reach the professional quality and competent reporting of the previous publications.

Jonalyn Nenshen Starfare

(Editors comment: The RhyDin Times-Reporter is free to all.)



Drovers, men-at-arms, cooks, smiths, and laborers wanted to provide services at the RhyDin Archeological Society's excavation of The Temple of Dohm. Good pay, benefits, and weekly visits to tent-town. Apply in person at the excavation site.

Need two men for night security service at the Obrenna Flying Tapestry company. 2 silvers per night, four days per week. Apply in person at 132 Street of the Mages.

Wanted. Two-person process server team to serve warrants and liens on felons and other men and women of low repute in the undertown. Excellent physical skills and knowledgeable in the use of staff and bludgeon required. Sword and spear skills a plus. Apply RhyDin Office of Taxation


Desperately seeking Olivia of the raven tresses. Last seen at the Statuary well. Anyone who knows the locations of this woman will be well-rewarded for information as to her current whereabouts. Contact Box 134.

Lonely male fire mage in search of a female water mage. Object. Make a great deal of steamy clouds. Apply box 135.

Unlucky in love and war? The stars have it in for you? The current pantheon indifferent to your pleas? Contact Akim Revent of the Order of Eternal Light at the Temple on the Street of the Gods. We may be the answer your looking for.