RhyDin Times-Reporter 8th Edition

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RhyDin Times-Reporter 8th Edition

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 6:18 pm

Date: 10/29/2000 6:29 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Eli Grady

The RhyDin Times-Reporter "The Voice of the Inner Worlds
Volume One Edition Eight

Publisher: Garon Fondor
Editor: Sylyim Fondor
Editorials Garumph Fondor
Secretary/Treasurer Lili Fondor
Socials Evan Fondor

Eli Grady Reporter

DUEL of SWORDS ~ Eli Grady

NEWS FROM THE DoS ~ by Eli Grady

There is very little activity going on in the DoS of late. The only notable event is a forthcoming challenge match between Cas Maxim and VarMG. The exact time and place have been on and off, but the latest information would put the match on the 5th day of the 11th month by the eastern calendar. Time and location have not yet been published. Please consult the missive boards for this information.

The New Overlord choses to not make appearances in the DoS which is unusual, nor has he made any declarations to date.


As part of the RhyDin Times-Reporter public service we gladly print the following information on a forthcoming Tournament. We solicit public service messages and will publish them.

**Tournament of Challenge ~ by HOST DFC Mystik **


The cycle ends October 31st and that means it's time for

The ArchMage Tournament of Challenge!

Who will be the next ArchMage? Will it be the current ArchMage Melgarth Mithmellon (Melgarth) or will it be you? The stage is set for 10 Mages of the Duel of Magic to do arcane battle to determine who will have the right to challenge the ArchMage for his title.

The Tournament of Challenge will begin promptly at 8 p.m. by the Eastern moons November 5th on Twilight Island. The Tournament is open to Mages of current standing by the cycle's end (October 31 - thus the Standings to determine currency will be posted November 5th.). There are only 10 slots open and registration is required. Please send tournament registration to HOST DFC Mystik by Midnight in the Eastern skies November 4th.

The Tournament of Challenge will be conducted in the double-elimination-with-no-brackets style. Initial seeding and subsequent byes will be determined by the Mage Ranking percentages posted on November 5th. The tournament will continue until a winner is determined.

The winner of the Tournament of Challenge will face ArchMage Melgarth Mithmellon in a best of three contest beginning at 8 p.m. by the Eastern moons November 6th on Twilight Island. The winner of this contest will be crowned ArchMage.

There is no regular dueling November 5th - 6th. Regular dueling will resume Tuesday November 7th.




Very little news originating from that venue. The missive boards report some dissension over attendance, and why some will or will not fight. The venue has been a small, but closely knit group of primarily unarmed practitioners of infighting. Now, whatever the source may be has appeared to cause problems internally.

RhyDin Watch Report

The same band of thieves that struck the First Unaligned Bank of RhyDin has struck again. This time they broke into the baronial estate of Sir and Master Dygorl Roboloid on FenFaire Lane. The thieves initially assaulted the guards with what appears to have been a illusion of an invading force of trolls on the estate grounds. The guards speedily departed for downtown RhyDin to report this latest outrage. One of the maids also reports being leered
at. When will the watch catch these miscreants? Who are these people who have so far outwitted the Collegium Mages? Their is a modest reward offered by the First Unaligned Bank and the Baron Roboloid for the names of any of the members of this gang.

Classified Ads

Help Wanted.

Needed, 400 stout men-at-arms to serve as security during a forthcoming state visit of a foreign ruler. Good pay, food, and temporary quarters. Apply at the Watch office.

Needed. Two experienced Mages, expert in the art of illusion dispelling for a temporary assignment. Apply at Box 134

Needed. The RhyDin Armed Forces needs you! Enlist today for choice assignments across the plains of existence. Good pay, great travel opportunities, room for advancement, and for the career minded a generous pension after 40 years of service. Enlist today! Contact Box V123.