Re: Iron Fist, any takers?

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Re: Iron Fist, any takers?

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 10:59 pm

Date: 3/23/2001 6:53 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Sumgi V

An open letter to the commissioner's office:

I won't bug you with a thousand word letter explaining why you utilize my idea of a steel cage tournament into the Outback. The many affirmative responses to my proposal voice my support enough. These people want to see DoF mayhem take place inside a ton of steel (which by the way, I have connections to get). And so now, in a few words, I'm asking you to take this idea under consideration.
To reiterate, the rules of the match are simple, escape out of the cage before your opponent does ((check the OOC thread for the OOC ruels discussion.)). But though it seems easy and undaunting, it isn't. Also, the officials would have it a little easier, instead of calling points every time they see a hit, they just have to check for an escape. Plus, the people of this community love mayhem, right? This would work well in the Outback;
please consider this.

Sumgi Viotani