Silence broken.

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Silence broken.

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 1:51 pm

Date: 12/30/2001 4:03 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Dawn Shadowsbane

Well-manicured nails slowly tapped against the left arm of her chair, devoid of any rhythm. Her right hand came up, brushing the red-gold waves off her shoulder a moment before her tongue slid out, gently wetting dried lips. In a corner near the door a man lay, deathly still. She spared a glance toward the body, allowing a faint chuckle to escape blood red lips. He hadn't been with her long, and the fool didn't
realize who she was.

The kneeling figure next to the chair trembled slightly, eyes widened in fear. Wisely, the young girl did not whimper, knowing the Mistress would not take kindly to such a display. A single finger pointed to the body, and quickly she stood, calling the two outside the door to remove it. The Mistress hadn't said a word; hadn't in several months, in fact, but she didn't need to. Her pets had been well trained... well trained indeed.

Dawn watched as the girl moved with a detached amusement. The child was coming along nicely, she mused, noting the graceful movements despite hurrying. Soon she would be ready either for Anubis's kennels or a new master. Slowly the smile faded as her gaze became distant, directionless. Who am I, she wondered. The last several months she had remained in her chambers, attended by only those very few. As she recuperated, first from the
fight and then from the second attack, an assassination attempt, she had spoken not a word. Seth had been cared for by Anubis, and she'd not seen her lover since regaining strength. Silently, these last months she had brooded. Locked within the madness of pain, she obsessed over how her mother would die. Neris? She had let him go. When it became known her mother had a new love, it was more amusing to send that hell back. The idiot thought he
had escaped... all to the better.

The young girl returned to her place, kneeling once more, hands lightly resting on her thighs. A hand slid over the arm, absently giving a gentle caress to her blonde locks. Blue eyes half-closed at that gentle touch, turning her head to press against the palm of Mistress's hand. Pain and pleasure, both were as needed as air.

They had told her this morning her mother didn't remember Dawn, or Furyion. This could be a perfect time to get revenge, once and for all. She was stronger than ever, and had the advantage of surprise. Indeed, it was a perfect time. Yes. Now, Jaycy would die.

Another moment of the gentle petting was given, then Dawn stood. She gave a look to the girl kneeling at her feet, knowing the pet would stay until called by the Master or Mistress. Then, with swift and determined strides, she moved to the door and opened it, throwing the wood back into the wall. To the surprise of her guards, she left the room and headed down the hall toward the main room. In a voice raspy from disuse, she called out a single
