The wedding. ((From Oct 21))

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The wedding. ((From Oct 21))

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 9:35 pm

Date: 11/13/2002 2:34 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Jaycy Ashleana

"Once upon a time..."

Jaycy trailed off, muttering the end of the sentence as she looked into the mirror. Her expression softened, becoming finally a gentle smile as she touched the swell of her stomach through the pale gown. This will be happily ever after, she thought, turning just a little to the left to admire the dress from a new angle. "I may be fat, but in this I don't look that bad," she chuckled, smoothing down the fabric with flat palms lightly skimming over

After another moment, she turned from the mirror and toward the door, stepping over and opening it just enough to peek out. She watched the various few gathered outside, mingling before the ceremony was to begin. Kheldar stood off to the right, talking to Sarah beneath the shade of a large oak tree. The tree stood as guard over entrance to the wooded circle, and was a cheerful mixture of red, yellow and orange several feet above the ground.

The great oak was easily the largest of the circle, and towered over the glen like a benevolent father. Ribbons of sun danced down to the floor of the glen, creating a lace floor design through the assorted trees. In the middle of the glen stood an altar, approximately half man-height, and swathed in a soft silver cloth. Upon it stood a chalice, a silver ribbon, and a forest green candle.

She took this in for a moment, including the running carpet of rose petals, and smiled. "It's almost time," she murmured to the unborn babe, hand gently pressed against the bulge. She grinned then, adding, "As if you couldn't be ready." Kheldar looked over toward the door just as she moved back and gently shut it. It was only a matter of time before Bane would be in place and her friend would come retrieve her.

The soft music of a flute floated through the air in the glen, and Bane looked around before slowly heading toward his spot before the altar. Sarah smiled, seeing him, and whispered a few more words to Kheldar before moving to stand behind the altar and ready for the ceremony. Bane nodded politely at the woman, and Kheld moved for the door of the cabin. He rapped large knuckles against the door before pushing it open and peering inside. At
Jaycy's welcome, he moved all the way inside.

"How do I look?" she asked, grinning. He chuckled, moving over. "You look great," he answered, arms extending for a hug. A laugh escaped from the gypsy and her grin widened a bit. "I know, I was just looking for compliments." Her laugh was rich and warm, a pleasant happy sound befitting the occasion. A gentle swish of skirts and she slipped into the offered embrace, sliding her arms around his waist and squeezing a moment. "You ready?" he
asked, and felt her nod. "As ready as I'll ever be," came the muffled response.

They withdrew enough for him to offer his arm. With a smile, she took it, her free hand reaching for the door to open it. He simply reached out and opened it for her, which was rewarded by a face from the gypsy. "Not today, you don't," he said, grinning. "Fine, fine. Let's go." She stuck out her tongue, then slipped through with him. As the door shut, Bane and Sarah looked up, eyes widening slightly.

"Wow," Sarah whispered, and the corners of Bane's lips twitched upward. Jaycy's eyes dropped a minute, then met Bane's across the glen as Kheld began to lead her forward. A light breeze wafted through the glen, faintly ruffling the gypsy's flowered hair. As they came nearer the altar, the flute playing lifted to a crescendo, the notes dancing through the sunlight and around them all.

Finally they reached the altar, and Kheld took Jaycy's hand in his before taking Bane's hand and joining the two together. He stepped back a little, smiling to Sarah, as she cleared her throat self-consciously. "Umm. Friends, we are here to unite these two in marriage. Who gives this woman to this man?" She looked toward Kheld, who spoke softly, the music once more fading to the background. "Me." She nodded, then turned her attention toward
the couple standing before her. Jaycy squeezed the hand of her love, glancing over a moment before turning back to Sarah.

"Umm..." She paused to look down at the book before her. "Bane, do you wish Jaycy to be your wife for now and always, in errr... both good and bad times, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer? Umm.. Do you promise to love, honor and cherish her all your life?" Sarah watched him a moment after her words, and he glanced toward Jaycy with a slight grin before answering. "I do."

She nodded again and turned toward the small woman, smiling. "Uhh... Jaycy, do you wish Bane to be your husband for now and always, in both good and bad times, umm.. in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish him all your life?" It was Jaycy's turn to glance over, her smile widening as she spoke. "Let me think about this a minute." Sarah blinked, and Bane gave her a little warning look. A chuckle
was Jaycy's answer to the look, adding, "Of course, I do."

Kheld could be heard chuckling in the background, and Sarah just managed to restrain her giggles. But it was with a grin that she continued. "The um, rings please?" She seemed more relaxed now, and stumbling less over her words. "Put the um, ring on her finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed, and call you mine for now and always." Bane slid the white gold band on the gypsy's finger, repeating the words softly. A moment later,
Jaycy was slipping an identical band onto his finger with slightly shaky hands, whispering the words.

Sarah paused another moment, smiling as they looked into each other's eyes before lifting the chalice. "This represents both life, and the things you will have in it. As you will become one, so will your lives be shared, and what belongs to one shall be the others. Never will you be alone, or without." She extended the cup to Jaycy, who took it in her free hand and had a small sip before passing it to Bane. He too took a sip, then returned the
chalice to Sarah, where it was set once more on the altar.

There was a moment of silence before she continued, handing a small white candle to them both. The candles were lit, then she spoke again. "Your candles each represent you, alone. Your flames are small and diminished. Together however, you are stronger and burn more brightly. The lighting of the green candle is a beginning of that strength, and will always be lit to warm your hearts and light your path home at night. The extinguishing of the
smaller candles represents your trust in each other, and your trust in your love." As one, Bane and Jaycy extended the white candles, bringing the flames together and lighting the larger green one. Once the green candle was lit, they blew out the white candles, laying them gently on the altar.

She waited another minute, then took up the silver ribbon. "Lastly, this ribbon represents the tie that binds. Together you are able to do more than singly. Bound together in love, you are equal partners, never one superior to the other. You will always stand side by side and be held up in times of need." The two raised their joined hands, and Sarah moved around the altar to lightly wrap the long silver ribbon over the both, knotting it in the

"I name you husband and wife, and wish you both joy and happiness. You may kiss the bride." Sarah blushed at the last words, but her smile grew ever bigger. Kheldar looked over, giving a smile to the woman as Jaycy and Bane pulled closer, bringing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

And through the glen, the music soared in joyous exclamation.