~Love will find a way...~(Chronicles,Red)

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~Love will find a way...~(Chronicles,Red)

Post by DoS Archive » Tue May 25, 2004 7:41 pm

From: redsonyaxx@aol.com (RedSonyaXX)
Date: 28 Feb 1998 20:26:22 EST

It did not take long for my father to inquire about the fiery souled woman that was my mother; nor for him to lament the fact that she was from the clan Madden. At the time the Thorne clan and the Madden clan were in a bit of straits... alright, his father hated her father.

The whys and wheres were unknown to all but the two men that would spew the bitter words about the other clan at family gatherings and such. (As an aside, they fought with each other until the day they died, though I suspect that at the end it was just habit with no heat behind the words.)

For ten long months they saw each other but never spoke a word, except to discuss a coming battle. When the war had ended and the clans were set to go home, my father approached my mother and asked for her hand in marriage; to which she immediately assented.

Do I believe in love at first sight? Yeah, for my parents were married four days later and not once did I see them look upon each other with anything but a deep abiding love and passion. Sure, the beginning was a bit rough going, the Maddens and the Thornes having fought for some years already. I think that it was probably when Timeron came along that the rift was truly mended, because how can you hate a child just born?

This part of my history is what inspired one of the few paintings I've done that will never be for sale... a portrait of my parents, my father kneeling before my mother, his large hands enfolding hers lovingly. It took me long months to finish this one... but I think that I captured the look of adoration and true love that my parents were lucky enough to find... and share.