Days of Old

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Days of Old

Post by DoS Archive » Wed May 26, 2004 5:39 pm

From: (MoneyBlade)
Date: 01 Apr 1998 03:31:53 EST

Days of Old
The Lost Treasure of Sa'ala
( Based on the Travels of Roland )

The young elf sat purched up on a low hanging tree branch, watching the elder mercenary clean his long thin blade. Everytime he saw the blade, its shined-to-profection glint always caught his eye when the old human, known as Raistlan to most, brought it out. The blades thin, almost flimsy appearance was only a distraction, the elf knew of its durablity, having seen the mercenary use
it first hand many times. The blade had stopped an oncoming Dwarven Battle Axe with ease. Totally in owe over the mercenary and his blade the young elf had taken up the annoying habit of following the old man around and helping whenever he could.
The youth noted that, over the course of a few years, Raist hadn't changed much. Still wearing his dark brown half-plated armor, which didn't didn't effected his dexterity at all. Although he did allow his hair to grow out a bit, his reddish-grey hair was always kept up in a tight pony-tail, and his cheerfull facial features still betrayed his sense of humor. His deep blue eyes seemed to be full of knowledge and unseen skill, the
youth really looked up to the elder human.

Having gotten used to the young elf known to him as Roland, whether or not that was his real name he really didn't know, he allowed him to tag along. Frequently teaching him his trade whenever he had the time, mostly to get the kid to shut up long enough for him to think. Roland had proved to be a fast learner and a natural with a sword, not to mention a pretty handy cook! Plus the company was good, and even though the mercenary
had many female companions over the years, had grown rather lonely the past few months and didn't mind having him around.
Roland spoke up, "So... where we headed now, Raist?". Raist thought for a moment. The mercenary looked up to his traveling companion, taking a moment to look him over. He has indeed grown since he first took him in. His thin, lean figure and eager green eyes betrayed his age. He'd grown rather tall, of course most elves did, and wore a pair of well-worn tan slacks, high brown boots, and loose fitting white shirt. He also had
long, very straight pure-white hair. It was no wonder he was a hit with the ladies. Raist sighed, thinking of how old he must seem now, shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts.
"I was thinking Sa'ala... I here there is some treasure to be had in Sa'ala's spice mines," he paused a moment considering it. "Its worth a try, eh?". Roland nodded his agreement, of course the youth would have agreed to it any way. The young elf jumped down from the tree limb, landing with ease. "We'll head out in th' morn... get some sleep, we've got a long day ahead of us, son."
With a slight moan, he began to roll out his bed-pad. Raist put away his blade and followed suit. The sounds of the night and the faint crakling of the dying fire took over as both men fell to asleep.


The Mercenary Known as
Money Blade