Twilight Forest--ironic title, as I am nay dead.

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Twilight Forest--ironic title, as I am nay dead.

Post by DoM Archive » Thu Mar 11, 2004 7:07 pm

Date: 6/23/99 11:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

A shooting star cracks the night's darkness and is seen by those who live, work, and sweat on the Twilight Island, home to the infamous Duel of Magic. Many a smile arise from the sight as wishes are made, the old legends saying the wishes will come true to an honorable heart. The smiles slowly turn to frowns of puzzlement as the star seems to be getting closer, and closer, until tis apparent
that the star is not a star as well. Puzzlement ceases soon afterward, as the star crashes into the forest on the island. "I'm all right!" a loud shout proclaims.

The curios brave the dangers of forest at night, the smart and curios bring a light to avoid said dangers. Following half-heard shouts and curses of frustration, and a distinct smell of smoke, the various parties find their way into a small glade set deep in the woods, coming across a comical sight indeed. Durax MacAllister, apprentice to the magic dueling sphere, is seen standing over a smoking ruin of what was once a tavern chair. He kicks it, and
the various kitchen implements that were holding it together come again. This solstices a rather deep frown from the magic-user. "By Mystra's sacred tear!" Durax growls in frustration. "I will settle with you, later." Tis only when Durax looks about the clearing, to see if he caused the precious forest any damage, that he realizes people are watching him. "Oh, um, hello" A trifle nervous, his voice croaks out as it did when he turned into an adult.
"I'd offer you tea, but I am not quite settled in. Please come back in a few weeks, and I'll make up for my rudeness."

From the desk of:

Durax MacAllister, traveler of the realms

Apprentice to RhyDin's Duel of Magic

Date: 6/24/99 12:18 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

A goblin hums a delightful little ditty. When asked where she heard it, she replies simply "From the Forest Man." Thinking she means Lord Eros, the druid Arch Mage, the questioner points to his picture hanging on the wall, yet the goblin shakes her head. "No Big Magic Man, heard from Forest Man, with putt-puff-crash chair." The goblin then continues with the tune and goes along her way.

'Putt-puff-crash chair', you mutter to yourself. The mystery soon solves itself as you look at a head-print in a low rafter. "Durax!" You chuckle at the thought of the eccentric mageling, remembering his beloved flying tavern chair, and his many crashes in it. Deciding to take his invitation for tea that he made upon his...permanent arrival to the island, you grab your cloak from the rack and take to the forest.

Searching through the woods, you find an oddly made path. Now, nearly all paths cut through a line of trees and brush, and years of desensitizing to this wound of the earth has made it acceptable to most. On your way through the path you realize how Durax got his nickname, "Forest," as it seems every leaf, branch, and creature where the path was to lay was taken into consideration. The result is a mixture of sorcery, luck, and detailed thought.
Reality is twisted, for lack of a better word, to create a winding path that avoids all damage whatsoever to the surroundings. Amazed, you keep walking until you come across a sign in the road, composed completely of magic, stating "Welcome to the Laughing Woods."

Date: 6/24/99 1:29 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

The forest opens up around you, and a gasp emits from not your lips, but from the iguana you nearly stepped on. Talaza, Durax's faithful fimiliar, smiles a reptillian smile up at you. "Welcome to the Laughing Woods." The lizard says through mindspeak. He then scurries up your leg and onto your shoulder. "Durax renamed his little corner of Twilight Island's forest such because of that
stream over there," the lizard points with his snout, "makes a laughing noise as it passes over the rocks below. Shall I show you around?" Pointing directions and narriating with his mindspeak power, Talaza shows you around the humble forest clearing. Novels and a few scroll cases lay on shelves set into living trees trunks, along with crystals and other mystical spell components. One very large oak tree has a series of shelves set into
the trunk along side a ladder made in the same fashion. Inside the oak, instead of magical paraphenelia, tis art supplies. In the center of the tree is a life-size painting of a beautiful woman with light brown skin and dark brown hair.

"That is Cynthia, Durax's wife." Talaza supplies. "Durax lives her, mind body and soul every moment of his day."

The two of you continue through the forest, until you find Durax whispering to a tree, asking its permission. The tree shakes, a yes, and the mageling whispers arcane words sounding much akin to breaking glass, and the tree grows in height as shelves push their way in to its trunk. Satisfied with his work, Durax turns and smiles to you. "I am so glad you could make it! Tea will be ready in a moment." He scurries off into a tree, rather phasing into
it than opening a door way. Upon his return, he holds a platter and two wooden cups, and sugar, cream and the like. Seeing you gazing upon the varios pictures hanging on the trees, Durax says, "Send me a missive, and I'll send you the portal to my gallery." And with that, the apprentice mage and yourself have a nice, delightful afternoon of tea.

Date: 6/24/99 9:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: MystAnge

Wandering through the newly dubbed Laughing Woods, silver eyes take in the changes, then reaching out to touch gently one of the trees. Assured of it's consent and happiness with the amusing arcane weaver, she continues on
::chuckles softly:: How ingenious, tis pleased I am the wood Eros and I love so to wander through has not been harmed, but all these paintings. ::she whispers to herself:: Hmmmmm...Though indeed lovely they are, being so in the open might cause harm to them... we do occasionally get a bit of rain here, and with the stream running through from the waterfall over our cave, the damp might casue the lovliness to fade and a true shame that would be. These
show great and sensitive talent...
Pondering this as she walks slowly about the area, pleased that another of the casters has choosen to make the Isle his home. Studying the ingeniously created shelves. Then glancing about at the paintings again, taking note that his scrolls and books are also open to the elemental whims of the magical Isle.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ does seem he has indeed some order here....And I think that with some careful magic a shelter for these things could indeed be woven, yet leaving the trees open to grow.... I would hate to see the scrolls damaged or the paintings damaged by the dew and spray from the stream...then there are our curious little friends who live in the wood as well..
Laughs softly recalling the impish little raccoon who borrowed her spellbook and the plate of cinnamon scones that is the only thing she can manage to gracefully keep down in the morns of late
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mayhaps between Forest, Eros, the other casters and I, we can come up with a manner of doing this to make sure these lovely paintings are not damaged or borrowed. ::smiles:: And a housewarming party is called for! ::calling softly through the wood as she moves back toward the rings, knowing all will hear even the soft call:: Tis a meeting that is needed all! A meeting at the rings to welcome the newest inhabitant of
Twilight Isle to his new home! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hoping no one will be thinking she's interfearing or that Forest won't be upset at her concern for the works of art, she moves to hers and Eros' favorite spot under the large tree near the rings, sitting to await the others

Date: 6/29/99 7:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Marzan

The Druid walked upright beside his Lady. Deep within the folds of The Twilight Forest they traveled. Kissed by the weeping vapors of the willows, they danced. The night was cast in an eldritche glow. The stars lay overhead above the tall treetops. They shone brightly upon the fortunes of this royal excursion.He pondered what might happen next in this magical place...

Date: 7/1/99 1:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

Durax stands outside the path leading into the forest, a dark look upon his face as he regards the gathered. His voice almost cracks the night air, so heavy is it with malice and horror.
"Greetings to the gathered members and visitors of this island. A grave thing has happened recently, one of the trees was almost murdered. Most of you may scoff and say, 'One tree? We've houses made of trees!' Aye, most people have houses made of trees or stone, but those houses last many years, while this one was wounded o'er a game of Daggers, and then set on fire merely because I protested. It may only be one tree to you, but te me,
tis a part o' my family and friends. Lady Illusia Marcine was able to heal the tree, thankfully. I set this warning clear and free for all to hear: Anyone who harms a tree, plant or animal not in self defense will face the wrath of the Forest Spirits. Tis nay a threat I bring te ye, tis a promise."
The magic-user bows respectfully to them all and vanishes into the forest, merging into it and becoming one. Twilight Forest has a new protector, and his name tis Durax.

Date: 7/1/99 5:53 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: MystAnge

~Dancing within the circle of her beloved's arms, her eyes closed as her head rests on his shoulder. Feeling the warmth of his body, the strength of his arms, knowing all is right within her world. His love wrapping around her, hers around him in answer of two hearts that beat as one. A soft smile curving her lips as she thinks of the life she has , the
joy and happiness, the deep abiding love and committment. This man who loves as deeply as she does, who enjoys her company in conversation as well as he does the rest of their relationship. Smiles up into his eyes....~
With all my heart and soul do I love you my beloved.
~Her hand caressing his cheek, the twilight wrapped around them as they finish the dance, his arms still around her lovingly...~
I've a story to tell soon Sweetheart, a legend I came about in an old tome. A legend of the Isle... ::smiles:: Mayhaps it will be told this night before I must leave for my convention ::sighs:: To be apart from you for moments is heartwrenching, but for four days will be torture. But our friends will gather about you and help you have fun and are nae alone. But my thoughts will be only with you as I journey..wishing I were at home with you, dancing
under the Twilight, then returning home to rest through the night in your arms...
~Kissing him softly, leading him toward the bonfire waiting to be lit for this night's stories and companionship, knowing soon there will be a new excitement on the Isle a search for a peice of histroy...~

Date: 7/3/99 1:04 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Marzan

They gathered on the Isle that Fateful Night....and off they went into the Enchanted Twilight chart the uncharted and to restore the Magical Balance to the Isle.....

Date: 7/4/99 5:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

Soft music drifts from the Twilight Forest, quiet, calming, and beautiful. To those knowing of such things, the song is identifiable as Greensleeves, played by a recorder and a celtic lap harp. Strange, two instruments being played, with only Durax living in the forest.
Heading out to investigate, the curios folk wander down the magical path leading into the mage known as Durax's clearing and see a sight that could break many a heart. The magic worker sits in the crook of a low but hearty tree, playing the song with his recorder, tears slowly trickling down his closed eyes. Sitting in front of him is an obvios illusion of a beautiful faery with light brown skin, dark brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes playing a
harp, also illusionary. Glancing at a rather large painting hanging on a tree, the onlookers identify the illusionary faery as Durax's wife.
The look upon the illusion's face is pure bliss, watching her husband with a smile of pure joy and love. The pair finish the song and the mage watches the illusion for a moment before dispelling it with a wave of his hand. The pain tis too much for him to bear. Durax pulls his knees up to his head and sits, quietly weeping into the night.

Date: 7/5/99 2:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Marzan

The Druid sits by his side on the Forest Floor to comfort him... what is it, my friend?

Date: 7/5/99 2:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: LqdForest

Durax looks up quickly and notices Marzan there, and composes himself as completely as an elf. A quiet smile dons his lips, and a whisper echos through the forest as he speaks. "I'm fine, Sire. I merely miss my wife very much these days. She loved forests as much as I do, and she always delighted in the workings of magic. It just tis a bit much to take in sometimes."