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DoS Archive
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Post by DoS Archive » Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:17 am

From: (Drakewyn I)
Date: 22 Jun 1998 02:54:31 EDT

An odd word to apply to the Arena, perhaps... especially as blades rang out in the rings behind her, but silence was all the Grand Duchess heard for a full two seconds of time. She had felt the presence of someone... someone she had good reason to fear.
"Queue's closed." said Helix, startling Drakewyn into motion.
"Well Rix, you blew it... you took too long." she said, tugging the battered dueling gauntlet from her hand as she made her way to the stairs. She paused on the way up to give a faint smile to those who might be paying attention, then stepped through the wall... much as a ghost might.

Out in the RhyDin night air, Drake stretched her senses, seeking another hint of the woman... After a moment, she sighed. "You don't have time for this Drake... there's a war on." And, without a backward look, she vanished for her homeland...