The RhyDin Times-Reporter (RE-POST)

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The RhyDin Times-Reporter (RE-POST)

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 5:57 pm

Date: 9/4/2000 2:58 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Eli Grady

Volume One The Voice of the Inner Worlds Edition One

Publisher: Garon Fondor
Editor: Sylyim Fondor
Editorials Garumph Fondor
Secretary Lili Fondor
Socials Evan Fondor

Reporter: Eli Grady

Editors Note: We have found that our reporter was not precise in clearly identifying the citizens of these realms. Therefore, at great expense we have taken the previous edition off the streets and have provided this updated version. We apoligize for his lack of precision and he has been admonished. ~Garon Fondor~

Archmage Tournament of Challenge Preliminaries (Eli Grady)

On the 9th Month, 3d Day by the Eastern Calendar the Mages of the Duel of Magic converged on their arena to determine a fit challenger adequate in strength and purpose to challenge the might and majesty of the ArchMage Melgarth Mithmellon

The always charming and purposeful Mystik Silverhand (HOST DFC Mystik) officiated with the assistance of the sinister and aloof Melgarth Mithmellon (HOST DFC Phoenix).

The Mages in Challenge were: Galin Taelca (OorTael5), William Wulfson (Wulfson), Mur Ollavan (MurOllavan), Syous of Mystara (SyousMyst), Sir Steven "Stooge" Barbarossa (T3Stoges5), and LaTere "The Phantom" Valzhon (Kerrazy6)

In Round One Phantom defeated Syous, Wulfson defeated Stooge, and Mur defeated Galin. For reasons unstated publically, Syous and Galin removed themselves from competition.

Round Two saw Stooge defeat Mur and Phantom defeating Wulfson. Mur Ollavan refused an interview by ignoring any attempt to query him, thus depriving the citizenry of their opportunity to hear the favored challenger explain his views on why he, Mur Ollavan was best suited to be ArchMage.

Round Three saw Stooge defeat Phantom and Mur defeating Wulfson. Wuflson was eliminated

Round Four had Mur getting a bye and Stooge defeating Phantom. Phantom was eliminated.

Dona Graciana Allegra DiSanti (GracianaDS) kindly consented to an interview and offered a candid view of the Duel of Magic as not a sport at all, but a barbaric practice. She went on to infer that were it not for the fact she was companion to Klytus, Grand Magi of Twilight Island, she would not have attended. If she had not attended the world at large would have been deprived of a valid counterpoint to the life of the Duel Of Magic. This reporter
was impressed with her viewpoints and precise stating of them. She did go on to impart that a certain Dustin Manjahcapery (Flavorless Gum) and Irus of Masaca were, in her opinion, classical examples of boorishness in action. Additionally, Graciana said that Dustin Manjahcapery had gone as far as to state she should be barred from attending the competition. By that reasoning, anyone in attendance purely as a spectator, including this reporter,
would not have been allowed entry. The public has a right to know everything it can find out.

Round Five had Mur defeating Stooge for the right to challenge the ArchMage.

I was able to conduct a brief interview with Melgarth Mithmellon (HOST DFC Phoenix), who is none other then the current ArchMage, himself. He stated that he found none of the challenging Mages any more or less difficult to deal with, as they had fought each other so often. That it now came down to who could produce the most unexpected forms of attack and defense.

In further interviews with Blue (LadyblueSpyral) this reporter learned that "Blue," as she is called, died and was returned to the DoM for reasons unknown. More on this as the story develops.

By way of comic relief Irus and Face (Face2Loran) entertained the small crowd by their cheering and anti-cheering techniques. You had to have been there to see it folks, it was highly amusing.

Tonight at 8:00 p.m. by the Eastern clock the ArchMage Melgarth Mithmellon defends his title against Mur Ollavan and, unless I am sent elsewhere to cover a breaking story, this reporter plans on being there.


The Fondor family has owned and operated this news operation since its founding and we have always been supportive of the activities in the DoM, DoS, and DoF. We welcome all comments and letters and will use the ones we find newsworthy in our stories and reporting. We reserve the right to refuse to print anything that violates our sense of morality and sound fiscal policy. We reserve the right to quote and use any information provided and will
make a reasonable effort to verify the information provided given. We can not publish anonymous letters, etc. as we believe if you want to say it you need to sign it. However, we will use any information to facilitate investigative reporting.

Garumph Fondor - Editor-In-Charge


Please send social notices a week in advance. Bare in mind if it's tacky we will gladly expose those guilty of such behavior. So, if you know who's sleeping with who that ought not to be let me know and I will make sure we all know.