RhyDin Times-Reporter 3d Edition

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RhyDin Times-Reporter 3d Edition

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 6:02 pm

Date: 9/13/2000 8:33 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Eli Grady

The RhyDin Times-Reporter "The Voice of the Inner Worlds " Volume One Edition Three

Publisher: Garon Fondor
Editor: Sylyim Fondor
Editorials Garumph Fondor
Secretary/Treasurer Lili Fondor
Socials Evan Fondor

Reporter: Eli Grady

A NIGHT IN THE DoS - Eli Grady

This reporter had an opportunity to spend part of the evening in the Duel of Swords (DoS) the other evening. A most entertaining evening it was indeed. I was witness to a cross-section of the Who's who, vying with contenders and pretenders throughout the evening. It was truly entertaining and I encourage anyone who wishes an evening of first-class entertainment and adventure to come to the DoS on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings by the
Eastern calendar. On Thursday evenings the action begins at 9:00 p.m. ending after the witching hour by the Eastern method of time-keeping. Friday and Saturday events begin at 8:00 p.m. and continue into the small hours.

While there I had a chance to interview Topaz (TinyTopaz) about her perceptions of some of the personalities. I selected the names of the notorious Jesse (JesseTryon) and Anubis (AnubiKar) as examples of the more belligerent and forceful names. Topaz agreed with the assessment that Jesse and Anubis were not overly polite. She did point out however, that even these two were known to now and then help educate new fighters. Topaz went on to say that
perhaps the best way to deal with these personalities is to ignore ever having learned the meaning of the words politeness and courtesy.

On the other end of the spectrum Topaz identified Dexter Montoya and Xenograg kathu-Darelir as exemplifying the ideals and standards that were admirable and most upholding of the honor and traditions of the DoS. of the more modern era she identified Kal (Kalamere) and Jeff (Jeff Oakenshield) as candidates. This reporter has little knowledge of the people that Topaz spoke of, but too many Topaz's viewpoints are valued.

On another topic of interest Topaz commented on the perceptions some of the new contenders have that when fighting a well-established fighter the matches tend to be one-sided routs. To add to the conflict the veteran fighter can overpower an opponent with finer honed skills and often exercises these skills to the utmost in a fight. It is not uncommon for these matches to be lop-sided victories for the veteran. This often leads to ill tempers and
hot words going back and forth. The end result often being the veteran considering the contender to be a less then desirable member of whatever sentient race the being belongs to. This opinion is often reciprocated.

Topaz states that it is a difficult balancing act. How do you assist the new contender without appearing condescending. Indeed, how do you diminish your skills when your engaged in a combative sport where the outcome has meaningful rewards and advancement?. Additionally, some of the stronger and more fragrant personalities are not noted for their benevolence towards others which adds fuel to the fire.

On the other hand new fighters often want and demand information that others have had to spend hours and countless matches perfecting. There is not an easy answer to this point.

A possible partial solution would be to that the fights occur as fate would have it. Or, it behooves the newer fighter to discuss the entire format of their respective matches with the veteran and lay out some mutually acceptable guidelines beforehand. Many of the more experienced fighters will often fight a contender at the contenders rank. In any case it is incumbent on any fighter to determine the rank of the individual they are to fight
beforehand and be prepared to fight accordingly.

This reporter also spoke briefly to Gin (Ginger Web) who is of most pleasing face and form. Her pithy assessment of the state of the DoS was frank and to the point. Gin believes that the DoS is and has been in a state of decline since Glor retired. She stated that the decline is far more evident in the DoS then in the DoM and DoF. On that gloomy outlook the interview ended.


Duel of Fists (DoF). I have spent parts of two evenings there and have not as yet developed an understanding of exactly what one does there other then fight or insult one another. To be sure there were a few pleasant individuals who were helpful. Ian (Ian McKenzie) was as pleasant as his thorny disposition permits. A charming young lady, appearing to suffer from insecurity presented herself favorably.

Two of the more obnoxious personalities there were Dustin (Flavorless Gum) and Shawn (IKingofDiamondsI). Dustin in particular seem to enjoy verbally abusing the young lady mentioned previously. Perhaps it was a courtship ritual?

In any case I came away not quite satisfied. Now in my school days I was considered to be somewhat of a fighter and perhaps someone in the DoF will be kind enough to give me lessons.

Duel of Magic (DoM) I spent little time there this week and several correspondents did not send me requested background information so all I can really say about the DoM is it exists and is prospering.


The RhyDin Cannoneers returned from a successful road trip in which they defeated the DemonLords, Twixies, and Dreadnoughts in the noble art of dropping heavy spherical objects on peasants homes in the hinterland. Congratulations to Iki Toubola who went three-for three in dropping spherical objects down chimneys from 500, 1500, and 5000 yardiks.

The RhyDin Blues are looking for a more durable goal tender the last one lost his head in the bitterly contested underwater hooke game

LaBellaLa took first place in the RhyDin all-human wet outer coverings contest at the Center for Cultural Interaction.


~Wanted~ Ride back to yesterday. Only board certified Temporal Relocation experts need apply. Box FA1

~Wanted~ one dozen spears suitable for mounting large noisy sub-adult specimens to courtyard wall. Box FA7

~Wanted~ Bugger interpreter specializing in Prominence dialect. Apply in person to HiveHome, Emissary Road, RhyDin commons


~Jolum you ------ I saw your sorry ----- ----- I hope you ------- ----------- ------- you bubblehead.~

~Bugha!~ Meet me at the usual place I have news from home.


The Citadel of Light is open for business once more. For the members who said they were not afraid of dragons and visited Mt. Dred to give them a piece of their mind we will be holding memorial services on Thirday.

It does not matter if you believe in the Gods of RhyDin, what is really important is that they believe in you.