ShadoWeaver Challenge

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ShadoWeaver Challenge

Post by DoF Archive » Sun May 16, 2004 11:42 pm

Date: 6/8/2001 6:00 PM Central Daylight Time
From: AlItheDiamonds

The deep purr of the idling car behind him accompanied the bright headlights hailing over Shawn's back and projecting his shadow onto the brick wall in front of him. He had already lost his dark vest, and the white undershirt he had removed not too long ago was soaked through. His jet black hair shined
with brilliance, almost that of the emerald hanging at the base of his neck, he had been at this for quite some time. It was just like any other alley in the rotten core of RhyDin, except for one thing, it was quiet. A few broken crates were strewn over the gravely alley.

A light grunt was wretched from his chest as he dropped low, a set of knuckles leveled off for his shadow's head. He jerked his own head to the side to avoid the return "shot" and started into a spin, a leap taking him a few feet back before snapping his heel towards that brick wall. He quickly brought
that leg back to him and collapsed down into a sitting position, and then he was on his back. "I better win this thing, putting off business for a whole week, Christ. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, Matt's old." A few moments more taken for a breather and he was back on his feet, fight with the shadow started anew. Nothing but the challenge, until it was over, mattered, nothing.