Empty Jars [Liet]

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Empty Jars [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:44 pm

Date: 8/9/2001 9:04 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

It was late when Liet made into Rhydin and rather than leave the truck where she'd been storing it for the past several months, she roared right into town. The truck rattled over cobblestones and dirt track, slowing only to creep behind
the Red Dragon to the Outback. Many a town-dweller was cursing her for disturbed sleep by the time she got there.

She spared a quick glance at her watch as she engaged the hand brake; it was near the end of the shift Jinnaiya usually worked on Sundays, but the building was dark. She approached the single door hesitantly, warily; the fear she'd felt earlier stirred from its coil in her gut like a sleeping snake, hedging her steps with uncharacteristic caution.

Bailey, however much he picked up on her tension, didn't exhibit any such caution. He leapt from the truck and bounded inside, barking and bouncing like a pogo-dog. By the time Liet made it inside, Bailey had dashed behind the bar and out again, around behind the caller's couch, upstairs paw at her locked door and now back down again. She blinked at the dog, blinked at the darkened rings and finally called out, knowing the response she would get.



"Hello? Anyone?"

A blinking red light somewhere in the rafters let her know the building's automated system was watching, but it certainly wasn't about to respond.

It took a minute for her to think of the coach behind the Outback; as soon as she turned for the door, however, Bailey darted past, outside and around the building, barking all the way. It was a joyous bark; the dog seemed certain that his living chew-toy would be there.

[OOC Note: this is a continuation of "Come home."]

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: Empty Jars [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:45 pm

Date: 8/9/2001 9:05 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

But he wasn't.

She'd known it in her gut, had felt the knowledge more like instinct, twining around the fear in her belly. She had a feeling that she was going to have a whole nest of snakes in here before too long.

Liet stopped at the coach, sat down instide it; remembered the large jars of fireflies she had hung from stakes, the flowers Jinnaiya had scattered everywhere for their picnic dinner. The tall stakes were still there, tucked into the weeds and brush that surrounded the coach, but the jars were empty. They had unscrewed the caps, released the fireflies rather than let them die in the jars. For a moment, as she stared around her, she felt as empty
as those jars. What had she rushed back for, if he wasn't here?

The sound took a moment to sink past her self-pity: Bailey was growling, trotting back and forth with his nose to the ground. Liet heaved herself up out of the coach and dragged herself over to the dog. She was just so tired; delayed by problems with the truck, she had barely even stopped for sleep in her headlong rush to return. Finding that Jinnaiya was gone was like a punch in the stomach. Still, she followed the furball on his growling path,
followed him toward the quietly winding river. It was there, in the soft, damp earth, that she was able to see what Bailey had been following by scent: two sets of footprints. One was large, obviously a man's; the other was smaller, more delicate, made only by the ball and heel of the shoe. A woman, and Liet was willing to bet from Bailey's excitement that the larger set of prints belonged to Jinnaiya.

She was almost numb when she turned away, leaving Bailey to his find, and made her way back to the front of the building. She gathered her pack from the truck and went upstairs, moving mechanically as she let herself into her room. There was a half-hope that she'd find him there, the last place to look, but it was short-lived. He wouldn't have locked the door if he was waiting inside for her.

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: Empty Jars [Jinn]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:46 pm

Date: 8/9/2001 10:45 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Jinnaiya

It was late, darkness touching the lands with steps of spiders silk when the padding of panther's steps and sifting flaps of wind laden feathers of Gaea's white wings gave warning of their arrival.

"Yosoy! I's be seein' sumthin' in tha far distance tha' be thar! Is it to be for a friend a' foe? Yous be's sayin' sumthin!"

"Unther, it's Kiko and I, let us pass on the winds of Makalaster or forever bite your tongue in toothless meanderings."

The monkey swung across several branches in tandem with the traveling duo, speeding through as quickly as they were along the silent night.

"Unther be's wondering whyfor you came back?" The monkey man dropped a few limbs to near the running panther before dropping neatly on the tensing muscles.

The running form of black sleek muscles failed to skip a beat as the newest weight was added and they kept their trepedition towards the well gaurded compound.

"A broken heart." The growl emanated from the depths of his stomach before quite suddenly he was airborne to fly over the great white wall. The preternatural leap dislodged Unther to send him on his own tangent flight but neither animal made a single noise when they landed.

"Yous broked a heart for to be breaking?" The monkey had simply rolled with the landing and had bopped back up to land on the panthers head. Bonkbonkbonk!

With a quick jerk of his head, the panther sent Unther flying into flimsy wooden wall of the small town market. The crash was loud enough to alert many to their arrival and several muttered curses were sent out into the otherwise quiet night.

"Silence, Unther. We have need to see Makalaster, Kiko needs a job and a place for which to rest his head." The monkey bounced back up through the rubble and sprinted off, leaving the two animals to transform into their human forms.

Rising from the one kneed crouch, Jinnaiya surveyed the all too familiar surroundings with a shudder. He touched the jade panther dangling around his neck a moment before ripping it off of his neck. He had half a mind to throw it, but instead tucked it into his pocket, it might have been slightly uncomfortable being the different and unaccepted one, but the memories he had made it worth it. He almost wished that Bailey was there to jump up on
him and lick his face, the rememberance made his heart heavy. What had he rushed home for if not for those two? He sighed softly and turned to head for the familiar wooden cabins.

"Kiko?" Her whispered voice sounded as heavy as his mood, he turned to see the pale form of Ursulea standing in the shadows, the pale white gown flowing in the ever present wind of this land.
DoF Archive
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Re: Empty Jars [Jinn]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:46 pm

Date: 8/9/2001 11:16 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Jinnaiya

"What?" His voice was brusque as he sifted past her to head towards an apparently still unused cabin, "Tell Makalaster I'm using my old cottage."

In he went, shutting the door behind him as his nose sniffed out for any traces of trespassers. A hand went to the small of his back causing him to twist suddenly to meet soft brown eyes. She was one of Makalaster's first ever creations, the evidence left in the soft black marks that marred her white skin. In animal form, she was a white tiger and the stripes on her skin failed to fade when she transformed unlike his later 'versions' of the

"Ursulea, what are you doing in here?" His forehead had crinkled as he looked to her a moment before spinning to head off towards the bed.

"You left without saying a thing. We could have been good together." She'd moved to the bed to sink down and tuck herself into his side, her free hand moved to pet his hair.

He reached up to stop her hand quickly and shook his head, "We weren't anything, and will never be. My heart has never belonged to you, and now it belongs to somebody else."

"Then why are you here?" She had pulled her hand back to simply sit next to him and listen.

"Because I am different." The words of Gaea that had rung so true hurt even more aloud and sent him stepping back out the door.

"Where are you going?" She had stood, a low growl present in her tone that Jinnaiya did not like at all and only succeeded in drawing out his own grumpy tone as he snapped back his answer.

"To Ryien's, there's something I want from his house." He slammed the door shut to his cottage and headed in the direction of the furthest most cabin. He stopped short as Ursulea phase shifted in front of him, "What?" his demand was irritated as he started to move around her.

"Ryien's sleeping, come back home and talk to me." She blinked at the stunned look on Jinnaiya's face, "Kiko?"

"Ryien's not sleeping, he's.. dead?" It was more of a question because he was utterly confused now and so was she.

"Ryien's not dead, what are you talking about?" She had time to look over his shoulder with surprised aire before darkness decended for him.
DoF Archive
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Re: Empty Jars [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:47 pm

Date: 8/10/2001 8:16 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

Liet fumbled at the lock for a minute before opening the door and stepping into the darkened room. She hesitated just across the threshhold, swaying slightly; her weariness was beginning to settle in, coupled with the shock of realizing that Jinnaiya really was gone. He wasn't going to jump out and surprise.

In fact, at this point, if he did—she'd probably strangle him.

And then she'd kiss him.

Even though she wanted nothing more than to collapse on the bed, her tightly strung nerves wouldn't let her give in to that wish. She emptied the smaller bag first: the silver water bowl and chewtoys that Jinnaiya had given Bailey. She filled the bowl from the bathroom sink and set it down for the dog, who had already finished a sniffing, snuffling circuit of the room and was sprawled out on his giant pillow. That done, she unpacked her larger
bag, folding her clothing neatly away in the small dresser.

It wasn't until she pulled open the bottom drawer that she saw it: a small pile of leather and sleek, silver material. She dropped down to sit on the floor and pulled the pile into her lap: a silver-gray, sleeveless top; a pair of leather pants; and, on the bottom of the pile, a shimmer of black and blue: the dark cloak, lined with sky-blue silk. This cloak was the whole reason Jinnaiya had started calling her Princess; their own inside joke, to
laugh away the darkness of the things he'd shown her.

She lifted the shirt, unfolded it to hold it up—and was surprised by the clatter of something small falling to the floor. A bauble, really, she realized as she turned to look—and the thought froze in her, brought that cold fear bubbling up from her belly until it spread through her limbs, chilling and numbing. The color dropped from her face as she realized what Jinnaiya had left behind—and where he must have gone.


She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: Empty Jars [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:48 pm

Date: 8/10/2001 8:21 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

She couldn't say how much time passed during which she stared dumbly at the necklace, but the sudden application of cold, wet pressure to the back of her neck brought a shriek up her throat and sent her scrambling to her feet. The pile of clothing rained down around her feet as she whipped around, staring wildly down at Bailey, the necklace clutched in one hand.

Poor Bailey—she'd never seen him look so small, with tail tucked up beneath his belly, ears back and head hanging. She couldn't imagine leaving him here, alone, but she also couldn't imagine taking him to—good lord, was she thinking about going to Kommordia?

She may not have been actively thinking about it, but the decision was there: subconscious, it directed her as she shucked off her regular clothing and wriggled into the leather pants and silver top. The boots that completed the outfit were in the closet; she pulled them on before swirling the cloak around her shoulders. Her skin was already crawling; foreknowledge didn't make facing that awful place any easier.

Bailey was out of the room ahead of her, dashing down the stairs and out the open doorway to bounce back into the truck. Liet was close behind and soon the truck roared into life. Moments later, the roar settled to an idle and she was back inside, hauling Bailey by the scruff of his neck.

"I'm sorry, bugeater. You can't go. Stay here." The words are said firmly, accompanied by a flat-handed gesture. She spun on her heel, making her way more slowly back to the truck and waking a whole new set of people with the roar and clatter of the twenty-some-year-old vehicle.

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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The trip begins. [Nai]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:48 pm

Date: 8/10/2001 3:50 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Jinnaiya

He blinked the darkness away as the pain abated and peered around. Gaea was standing next to the form of Makalaster who was wrapped in midnight blue cloth and a golden cloak. It was only then when he blinked into awareness that he finally came to realize something he had failed to notice from the trip that he and Liet had taken. It was a golden cloak, the one that
Jurakis was wearing was the shimmering golden cloak.. that meant that Makalaster was no longer the lead man.

That should have tipped him off then but with the distraction of trying to tell Liet about what was going on, and the fact that he was so nervous about actually having to show her his panther form, he'd totally overlooked it.

"Good morning, Kiko." The voice was scratchy and annoying as ever, but it was the fact that Gaea was plastering herself to his side that made Jinnaiya sick to his stomach.

"What do you want?" He didn't bother to get up from the crouch they had dropped him onto the floor in, but tilted his gaze to look around. They were in a strange wagon and the movement was alarmingly fast.

"Ursulea wasn't supposed to speak with you that's why we had you come late at night.. technicality. We're fixing that though by simply moving. I thought I could get a few good days out of you first, guess not. Ho-hum. It appears that you've made a good life for yourself from what Gaea says." It was then that he pulled the jade panther out of a pocket in his cloak to dangle before Jinnaiya.

His first instinct was to strike out and grab his precious necklace back, it meant even more now that Liet had accepted the matching one, his second thought was of the silver ring still dangling on that leather thong around her neck, he'd only been fooling himself to believe that with all his differences that someone could love him. With those thoughts swirling around his head he could only slump further into the wagon floor, hope was devoid in
all his thoughts, he didn't care anymore what happened. He needed water badly and was starting to pant quietly.
DoF Archive
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Re: The trip begins. [Nai]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:49 pm

Date: 8/10/2001 3:58 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Jinnaiya

"It seems," Makalaster started with pleasure at Jinnaiya's admittance of defeat, "that I have made a bargain with the wrong person. Jurakis, now the leader in the fight rings has demanded my prize panther that I used to beat him with.. but I didn't have him. I tried several more panthers and animals to give to him but they all failed, died rather embarrasingly in a
few fights. Seems you're the only one that can last several hundred fights. I struck gold with you."

Jinnaiya remained silent after easing his way back to the floor of the wagon. He wasn't paying attention to Makalaster's words and instead was stuck on the thought of the silver leaf dangling around Liet's neck and how pale she'd gotten at the thought of him asking her to be with him for an extended time. He was more miserable at the thought of the loss of her than anything. She was probably not even coming back for several more weeks if even
at all. The sudden thought that she'd never intended to come back at all made him pale at his naiveity, Gaea's words had struck a cord and stroked a fire of lies.

"Therefore if I want the magical cloak back I must forfeit you to him and build another animal that can destroy you. You were the bane of everyone, now you shall be destroyed by your very creator. Ironic is it not?" There was a low whistle of approval as Jinnaiya's form started to change slowly to panther form.

"I'm impressed Gaea, you really did wear him out. Must have been hard to travel that far, that quick without water. I'll bet your dehydrated and needing water badly aren't you? It's too bad that this will be your last time in this form. Any last words before I make you a panther forever?"

"Why?" His words were directed at Gaea and her sharp golden eyes that stared back at him evenly, "That's just wrong, that's our dad in a matter of speaking. You said yourself no one could understand us." He was accusing of course, but he had a right, wasn't it she that had perpetuated his worse fears?

Gaea just buried her face into Makalaster's neck and ignored him. Jinnaiya sighed and finished his decent to the wagon floor.

"What's her name again, Kiko? Lute?" He was chanting quietly to the jade panther and leaning forward to place it around his neck.

"Liet. My precious Liet." Those were the last words spoken from his mouth as Makalaster eased the leather thong around the muzzle of the panther.

"Now you will forever remain a panther, Jurakis must never know the truth of your kind."
DoF Archive
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Re: The trip begins. [Nai]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:50 pm

Date: 8/10/2001 11:56 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Jinnaiya

"His love has made him weak." Gaea snarled from Makalaster's side as she viewed the panther before them. Makalaster sighed himself taking in the spectacle after securing the necklace into place.

"He's still magnificent, one of my most prized possessions. It's a shame really that I most destroy that in which I have put some much into. He's got so many untouched talents that even he doesn't know about."

"You never told him about his eyes?" She sounded suprised at that and leaned closer to peer into the duo of different colors as he lay still panting.

"No, and now I shant have the opportunity now that I must simply destroy him. Come, we shall speak with Jurakis now, and very soon I will be on top again. We will reap the benifits of my labors once more."

It was moments later when men came to prod him onto all fours and out of the wagon, Jurakis' warehouse spread before him, but he was only paying attention to the ground beneath his paws as he plodded forward, bereft of hope or want.
DoF Archive
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Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:51 pm

Date: 8/11/2001 12:46 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

And never look afraid, if you can help it. I've got you. Liet could remember Jinnaiya saying that to her when he had first shown her his birthplace; could remember it so clearly that she could almost hear him right now, could almost feel the pressure of his hand at the small of her back as she walked toward the town. She had left the truck a couple miles
behind, camaflouged carefully among the last of the thick trees. Now, she was close enough to hear the din of the crowds in the city, close enough that other people were casting curious glances toward her. She was pretty much the only woman unescorted.

Anything else I need to know? she had asked on that night, and Jinnaiya had murmured back teasingly, yah, look cocky, will ya?

There were six leather cords dangling from her belt, an elaborately etched dagger in the holster he'd given her and, tucked out of sight under the cloak, a small weapon with which she was slightly more confident.

You want cocky? she had responded so long ago, settling a sway into her stride that normally wasn't there. You got cocky. She tried now to recall that sway and settle into it again, but it was harder without him there. He had been her protection, then, and she knew just how vulnerable she was without that safety. Every person here, it seemed, was a predator—she was nothing but a lamb in comparison, soft and tame. She'd never
been so aware of that in her entire life than she was tonight.

Liet passed only one man in a silver cloak; she dipped her knee quickly and kept moving, praying that he wouldn't stop her. Intent upon his own goals, however, he didn't even seem to see her. It wasn't hard to find the club Jinnaiya had taken her to; she just followed the flow of foot traffic until she was deposited at the mouth of the street. She lingered for a moment, studying the guards that lurked at the doorway; were they the same pair?
Would they recognize her? And, if so, would that lend credibility to the wild scheme that was forming in her mind, or would it serve to discredit her?

Gathering her nerve, she sauntered up to the door as if she owned the place. If the guards could tell that her heart was racing and her knees knocking, they gave no indication. One scanned the street behind her while the other stared down at her. She stared right back at him, hoping that her frozen fear looked something like pure disbelief—how dare you detain me?

"I'm here for Jurakis," she stated simply, waving her free hand. The guard nodded, after a moment's continued stare, while the other scanned the street one last time and turned to stare, eyes narrowed, at her back as she stepped inside.

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:52 pm

Date: 8/12/2001 2:06 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

When Liet stepped across the threshold, the place was busy as a bee's nest. You'd never know the rings had only been open for an hour or two; each had fighters [human or otherwise] paired off, and most were surrounded by betting customers. The owner, Jurakis, was just making an appearance, drifting by several rings to monitor his animals and stopping to hobnob
here and there. Liet stepped to the side, out of the flow of traffic, and watched him for a moment. Should she approach him directly? Visit the rings, act casual? She wasn't sure how best to proceed, and the plan that had been forming in her mind was still little more than an iffy proposition, offering her no guidance.

Jurakis laughed gruffly, reaching up to wave a fistful of money. "Someone mark the bet for this kid!" he yelled, cocky as ever. "We'll make a dealer out of this one, yet." Liet made up her mind and, determination steeling both her gaze and her steps, she started toward him before she could change her mind. She glanced occasionally to the side, looking carefully into each ring that held animals, pointedly ignoring the human fighters and, between
glances, fixing those pale eyes on Jurakis. He was bound to notice her at some point, right?

Her steady progress was rewarded by Jurakis's back as he turned away, heading for the rear of the warehouse-turned-club. He needed to see how Makalaster's fee was handling itself. His attention was narrow at the moment; this newest acquisition, this panther, was like a security blanket. He couldn't lose this prize.

Momentarily disappointed, Liet slipped into the path created by Jurakis's passage and grimly followed him to the rearmost rings. She made no attempt to move particularly quietly, or to sneak; the place was noisy enough and, besides, she wanted Jurakis's attention, at some point.

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
DoF Archive
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Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:53 pm

Date: 8/12/2001 2:07 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

The cougar in the rear ring had seen better days. In fact, she had just finished a fight and was hardly in any shape to start another. Nonetheless, Jones was shoving a black panther in. The panther didn't seem particularly interested in its immediate danger; it plodded toward the far side of the ring while the cougar lapped up water. The golden-furred cat
lifted her head only to give a warning growl to her new opponent, who slumped against the wall of the ring just as Jurakis was falling into place at the gate to the ring, still unaware of his new stalker.

"Give him some incentive, will ya, Jonesy?" Jurakis's request was made casually, as if he were discussing clothing with a tailor. The other man brought out a whip and lashed it across the panther's back, succeeding only in persuading him forward a few steps. The beast simply had no fire in him, no energy, and the whip cracked several more times. The cougar struck as the panther stumped forward, claws slashing out across the panther's ribcage,
drawing blood.

"Stop this immediately!" The cry snapped from Liet's mouth almost as quickly as the cougar's paw had struck; as soon as she was able to see those mismatched eyes, she just couldn't keep from crying out. She could, however, replace her horrified expression with anger—an easy enough switch—as Jurakis turned to her in equal parts annoyance and amusement. Seeing the colors in her cloak he bowed from the waist, tilting his head to study her.

"My Princess." His look lingered, his expression growing less annoyed and more pleased. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" His grin spread and, inside the ring, the cougar struck with renewed confidence.

"Jurakis." Liet dipped in return, acknowledging him—but never did that anger ease from her expression. "You owe this pleasure to whomever stole my property." A hand lifted, fingers gesturing toward the ring; for a moment, she was amazed at how steady her hand was. She could almost feel her knees knocking together.

"Your property?" The cougar's teeth sank into the panther's shoulder and Jurakis chuckled, amused by the anger on the girl's face. "Which would that be? Gavin is my cougar and that's Kiko, my panther. Surely you're not accusing me of being a thief—are you?" The joking smile never left his face, but Liet couldn't mistake the dangerous nature behind it. Though she'd never been the praying type, she prayed now to every entity she could think

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:54 pm

Date: 8/12/2001 7:32 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

"I would never accuse you, Jurakis," Liet said—lord, she even managed a small, coy smile. What she wanted to do was bring out the engraved dagger 'Naiya had given her, and plunge it into the guy's eye. "However, the simple fact is that the panther has belonged to me some months now, and I neither sold nor traded him away." She couldn't look into
the ring—couldn't see that slumped figure or the teeth still holding his shoulder—so she kept her gaze tightly focused on Jurakis, praying that 'Naiya would somehow defend himself, and that Jurakis would buy into what she was claiming. "And," she continued, "since his disappearance coincided with the destruction of his kennel ... well, I am sure you can see where the evidence must lead me."

"Only months?" Jurakis raised a brow, yawned. He was getting bored with this discussion already. "Then perhaps I should be asking where you acquired him, Princess. You see, Kiko has killed many of my animals under the care—"


"—another, and I have rightfully won him from that other. Oh," he was forced to pause at what she'd said, once it sank in. "So, you do know what you're talking about." In the ring, the cougar, Gavin, rounded the panther and was now going for the kill, trying to find an angle on his throat.

"I am truly sorry, Jurakis," Liet said, trying to sound regretful and lowering her voice. "But Makalaster lost him to me months ago. How odd, that he would offer something he no longer po—"

"Jurakis, I believe she is correct," interjected a new voice; a face Liet actually recognized, the man in the silver cloak that she had run into the first time Jinnaiya brought her here. His silver cloak swung to drape artfully around him as he stopped between the two, and Liet dipped a knee to him. "In fact," he continued, "that appears to be her trademark—the different colors of his eyes, of course. Perhaps this ... Alaster person was the
thief, in the first place." The new arrival's eyes were focused evenly on Jurakis, who bowed to the man.

"Prince Yaris. How nice to see my guest making himself at home." Jurakis sighed, turning to gesture toward the man at the gate of the ring. "Jones. Pull Gavin off before she kills him." The panther had simply laid down in the middle of the ring, oblivious to either attack or relief. Outside the ring, Liet could barely breath around the swift beating of her heart. The mixture of relief and fear was intense; she'd been only seconds away from
climbing into the ring and dispatching of the cougar herself.

"However." Jurakis was not so easily put off as perhaps he seemed. "He is in my care, now, and shall stay here."

"Perhaps a competition?" The newcomer, Prince Yaris, looked pointedly at the Ring Master. "Certainly you wouldn't mind a friendly wager?"

"Why should I accept a wager for what is rightly mine?" Liet and Jurakis glared at each other when they both spoke the same words, Jurakis including the meddling Prince in his narrowed glare. He could have manhandled this little girl and gotten his way, were it not for the interference of his guest.

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
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Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:55 pm

Date: 8/12/2001 8:17 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

"Surely, my lords," Liet was the first to gain her composure and speak, "you can see that my pet is in no condition to fight. What sort of competition would this be?" Her words turned Jurakis's glare into a tight smile.

"If he fails, he's mine," Jurakis's were growled out as he turned away, brokering no argument. "I'll arrange the fight." He pushed his way through the crowd and was gone. Liet wished she could only manage to keep the color in her face, but it drained away; this is exactly what she had been wanting to avoid. If Jinnaiya 'failed,' as Jurakis said, he would be killed in the ring. She turned, finally, to look into the ring: the cougar had been
removed, but Jinnaiya had been left, sprawled on the floor. She had to get his attention, somehow.

"Go," Prince Yaris said quietly, behind her. "He'll gather his best animal to pair against yours, so if you have some way of healing him, I suggest you do it quickly. I've bought all the time I can."

"Thank you, Prince Yaris," Liet said quietly, gratitude in her expression. She couldn't figure out why the man was helping her so much; he was the one who had offered to either purchase or trade for Jinn the time he had brought her here to show her his "birthplace." She dipped to the Prince again and brushed past the men gathered at the gate to let herself into the ring. She really didn't have any way of healing him; just a tube of salve she kept
in her first-aid kit, intended to help seal and numb cuts. It had been a last-minute addition to her ensemble, tucked into her boot as she left the truck behind. She used it liberally now, smearing it into Jinnaiya's fur and rubbing it into the wounds the cougar had left. She leaned close as she did, whispering in his ear.

"Naiya? I'm here." When she first realized that he had returned to Kommordia, it hadn't occurred to her that it was of his own free will until just this moment. Would he ignore her, fail to fight on purpose, just so that he wouldn't have to return with her? "Naiya, you have to hear me. You have to listen." One hand was still busy rubbing salve into his wounds; the other, sheltered from view by the curl of her body, stroked his fur softly. The
listless panther stirred a bit, whining quietly at the pain of his wounds and the pressure of her touch. He heard a woman talking, twitched at her touches. "If you want to leave here," Liet continued, "you have to fight. Just once, 'Naiya, and then we can go home, I promise. Please, 'Naiya, I'm sorry. I don't want you to fight, but Jurakis won't give you up without a challenge." She was almost babbling now, still speaking quietly but saying as
much as she could in the hope that he would hear her.

The touch, the fingers stroking his fur, the words—Naiya. Only one person called him that, and it was his favorite nickname. He loved it when she called him that. He jerked his head off the floor, peering toward her, blinking slowly as if even that were an effort. One quiet rumble ... the start of a purr?

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: The trip begins. [Liet]

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 12:55 pm

Date: 8/12/2001 9:51 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Liet Duran

The purr brought a soft smile to Liet's face—soft, but radiant. She blinked quickly to scatter the tears that were trying to gather in her eyes, the relief that his recognition brought her.

"'Naiya, please. Jurakis is going to bring his best in here."

He blinked again, pressing forward with his nose; the days of no food or water were weighing heavily on him. He sniffed cautiously; this had to be a hallucination. It sounded like her ... looked like her ... and, yes, it smelled like Liet, too. She leaned in closer when he pushed his face toward her, and pressed her face alongside his. "Please tell me you don't want to be here, 'Naiya," she whispered. "I don't think I could stand
it if you did." It would be self-destruction; she could see that was what his course had been. In response, the purr that had been trapped broke free, rusty at first, but it was there: a calm, quiet sound. If the wounds dealt by the cougar had been any worse, he still could have died happily at that point.

"They're coming," Prince Yaris said sharply, warning. Liet startled a bit, stroked Jinnaiya's fur once more before. "Princess... ?" Yaris let the question dangle and Liet pulled herself away from the panther, taking Yaris's hand to pull her up out of the ring. She smiled her gratitude at him again and could only hope that her eyes were clear of tears. She didn't look back at Jinnaiya until she was clear of the ring and had reclaimed her hand
from the Prince.

"He certainly seems to take to your presence and words," the Prince continued as Liet looked back into the ring. "I could hear him purring from outside the ring—that's incredible, after a beating like that. I must have chosen well."

"You can see, I am sure," Liet answered, "why I was not willing to entertain your offer of trade, the last time I was here."

"But that was for the human—" Yaris cut off his sentence as Jurakis returned, but his brow remained furrowed in confusion. He let it slide, however, as the animal Jurakis had chosen was brought in by five handlers: a massive bear. "For your sake, Princess, I hope that your panther's loyalty will come through for you both," Yaris said, staring at the bear, much as Liet was. For her part, Liet turned away from the bear with a shudder and looked
back into the ring, where Jinnaiya was finally pushing to his feet and limping along the wall of the ring. He mewed quietly, nostrils flaring—searching.

"My pets always come through for me," Liet finally stammered out in response to the Prince. The charade was beginning to turn her stomach; across the room, she could hear the death scream of some poor animal in one of the other rings. Men shouted as the winner was called out, and certainly money changed hands; but Liet shut out the other noises around her and watched Jinnaiya, who whined deep in his throat and lifted his head, sniffing.

Brow furrowed, Liet leaned forward against the bars, ignoring Jurakis and the men with the bear. She couldn't ... well, she couldn't bear to think about the bear. The damned thing was huge—apparently, Jurakis was not a big fan of an evenly matched challenge. Inside the ring, Jinnaiya continued searching until his nose pressed up against the bars; it was as if he'd been replaced by another panther, one energized and ready to go. His only
concern, however, was finding Liet again; ever since she stepped out of the ring, he was afraid she was just going to leave again. He whined again, deep in his throat; the earlier purr was gone.

Liet crouched a little, pressing closer to the bars, and called out to him softly. This time, she used the name the others knew him by, rather the nickname she called him.


"Care for a whip?" Jurakis's voice broke her attention; the man was sneering at her, a coiled whip dangling from his fingertips. Liet sneered right back at him. Sure, she could imagine herself saying; walking over to take the whip then wrapping it around his throat and twisting with all of her strength ...

She moved so easily,

all I could think of was sunlight.

[Paul Simon, "I Know What I Know"]