Diamond Quest!

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DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Diamond Quest!

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 2:51 pm

Date: 7/16/2002 8:04 PM Central Daylight Time
From: HOST PCG Jinn

Many fighters came and went.. (as well as my log. ::sigh::) It was dual elimination night in the Outback with a record number of people who showed up!! We had all but one who'd registered drop in to test their strength, endurance and wit as well as griping skills.

Many brave lasted long, many usually unstoppable forces in the DQ's were thrown to their knees. The long, interested night lasted with one standing. One whom couldn't even biologically breathe.

Holo-Ria. While some argue it was an outrage for her to win the diamond as she didn't literally fight any of her duels, they over look the fact that it's easy to get in there and get beaten on and to beat, but try and control something and still hold your sanity, your "reflexes" and your sense of balance. In the end, only one thing matters.

Ria Graziano is the new Diamond.

Congratulations fatty.

Your boy who's not your boy that way, but your boy in the boy sense of being a boy.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Diamond Quest!

Post by DoF Archive » Mon May 17, 2004 2:51 pm

Date: 7/16/2002 8:27 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Bode BoJangles

Hey, that was me.

Boy, you ain't making no sense. Was it Holo-Ria or Ria Graziano who won that there Diamond?
