Firestar Challenge Results

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Firestar Challenge Results

Post by DoF Archive » Wed May 19, 2004 8:08 pm

Date: 1/16/2003 12:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: HOST Game Snow

In the evening of Wednesday, the 15th of January, two challengers didst face one another for the grace and right to bear the red opal of the Outback, FireStar.  The duelist Chris Graziano did bear challenge against the current titleholder, the duelist known as Stick.

'twas my own choice to see the challengers set upon the Bridge for the first match.  Stick took the first two straight points with a pair of well-placed defenses.  Yet this was to be her only grace, as Chris answered unswervingly with five more points in the successive seven rounds, pausing only in his relentless assault for paired posturing.  Thus the combatants descended with Chris the victor, 5-2 in 9 exchanges. 

Given the fallen the courtesy of choice, Stick didst elect an unadorned ring, which I chose as Bash.  This combat was to be different that the first only in that Chris began domineering right away, his straight-on attacks felling Stick in her path.  Only once did Stick return in kind, though the opal did claim her in a fiery embrace.  The match ended with dual low attacks, Chris in the better position for the trade. 

'tis said that the fire that burns twice as bright burns only half as long, thus passeth Stick's bright reign as the red opal's holder. 

Witnessed by myself and under the eyes of the Gods,

Jack O'Donnelly
Outback Historian.