Learning from disinformation

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DoF Archive
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Learning from disinformation

Post by DoF Archive » Wed May 19, 2004 8:09 pm

Date: 1/9/2003 6:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Alirgian party

Would you two just shut up!"  Dalonius cursed as his subordinates had been arguing since they had left the Outback.  "Of course 'Sarah' was lying to us.  If the two of you would stop talking about it, and start thinking about it you might be able to figure a few things out.  Like there's stuff she didn't want us to find out in the swords venue.  She said that it was held somewhere called the Dueler's hall, from what I hear it;s held here in the basement, and her schedule was all wrong."  Looking at the other two men.  "Looks like we'll have to pay a visit there tomorrow." 

He then picked up a copy of the paper he had left on the dresser.  "And we had aught to check out these offices too.  This is a recent paper and it has him listed."  The others nodded.  "Maybe they can tell us where he used to live." 

Dalonius considered the situation.  He was obviously warned they were coming, and the way the woman was lying to him, she was obviously trying to hid him.  Just his luck.  He bribed many people to get a quiet cushy post away from anything that resembled an important position, and then some vague hint causes the capital to send them off on some wild goose chase for a man that no one had seen in almost eight years.  A dangerous man, so the stories said, who apparently had many friends who had been tipped off to their presence.  He only hoped that his runner returned with the reinforcements they requested shortly.  They could be in trouble without them.  Here he was, out numbered, in a foreign land, without the element of surprise and his two men were tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.  He just wanted to go home and retire in peace.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Post by DoF Archive » Wed May 19, 2004 8:09 pm

Date: 1/12/2003 4:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Alirgian party

       Dalonius sighed as he and his men moved to settle into their third room since discovering this God forsaken town.  "You're sure you didn't see anyone following us?" His men confirmed that fact once more. 

       "Yeah, boss."
       They had gone to the Arena and their suspicions were confirmed.  Kheldar had dueled as recently as a few weeks ago.  So he still lived here.  A visit to the league offices uncovered the man's address, and a search of his house earlier that evening reveiled that someone had beaten them there. 

       The building looked to have been hastily ransacked.  They found no weapons, meaning chances are wherever the man was, he was armed, and then there was the issue of his friends.  "Get ready to fall back guys.  We're going to go wait back by that tunnel until Dreis comes back with the reinforcements.  There's not much else we can do.  We got the proof we need, he's here.  This place is starting to make me uneasy.  You're sure that we weren't followed?  It sure seemed like it to me.." The others replied by shaking their heads.  "What the hell do you know though.. you two are idiots.  Get ready, I want to get out of here as soon as possible."  They nodded and began to pack up.  "And keep it down, I want to get some sleep.  Wake me at dawn." 

      The men grumbled, but set up watch.  The faster they could get out of here, the better.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Post by DoF Archive » Wed May 19, 2004 8:10 pm

Date: 1/19/2003 9:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Alirgian party

       Dalonius looked around as they proceeded back into the city of Rhydin.  He had quickly grown to hate this place.  He just wanted to be home, and the reinforcements that had joined them did little to change his mood.  Two men, one very short, and the other not much bigger.  They appeared to be able to handle themselves, but he had never seen them before, meaning they were probably fresh recrutes. 

       Still, his orders said he needed to either capture their target, or make sure he was infact gone.  They spent a few days combing the area for him, but that turned up nothing.  The few leads they had, his former employer, the hospital claimed to have let him go a month ago.  A visit to the man's current employer, a dueling team known as the Wrecking Crew, gave them no information they hadn't already known.  He sighed.  They had only one lead to go on now.  They had to go back to the Outback. 

       Last time they were there they found only hostility and lies, but it was his only choice.  Orders were orders, and disobeying wouldn't get him his pension. 