Random Encounters (Yuri)

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Random Encounters (Yuri)

Post by DoF Archive » Thu May 20, 2004 7:16 am

Date: 1/28/2003 11:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Yuri Wynterhawk

Was it enough? Yuri thought hard about the question as she finished writing the correspondence to Ms. Morgan. She allowed herself an honest moment, knowing that it wasn't. Why had she offered up one of the positions to a man she just met?

One hand moved to the glass that was half full of vodka, grasping it firmly and bringing it to her lips for a bitter sip. Giving herself some time to consider her actions of the evening, and to sum up the damage she may have done by them.

All in all, things could have turned out much worse. Her mood was too black when she left her home this afternoon, and should have been spent in solitude. Things always went bad when she interacted with such thoughts brooding on her mind. Anger pervaded her actions, she knew. More than anger, if she was going to be completely honest with herself.

The man those emotions were attached to would still be made to pay for them, now perhaps more so because he caused her to make sloppy decisions. The logic was poor, but his actions more than supported punishment and needed no further explanation.

What to do with this RJ? He might be useful, and who knew, perhaps he would perform well at the party on Thursday. It was a lucky turn for him, though he did not know it yet. If he could react quickly and learn fast there was potential for money, money most men found rather pleasant to earn.

She set the glass down, and completed sealing the letter. She would deliver it tomorrow morning, that would be sufficient. For now, she would take a long, hot bath, the fight was fun if nothing else came out of the encounter.

As she rose from the desk she made a mental note to find out more about the Graziano's as well, apparently the relatives of RJ. She meant the man no harm, but it never hurt to have information, or it hadn't hurt her yet.