Part 1

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Part 1

Post by DoF Archive » Thu May 20, 2004 12:02 pm

Date: 6/23/2003 11:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Zur030

A loud crack, a flash of extreme whiteness, and unbearable pain.  That was what he remembered before he gave into the darkness.

It had been a regular old night in the Outback.  An early one, at that.  It was his first duel of the night.  His first duel in the Outback against the cyborg elf, in fact.  It was a tight duel, the part he remembered, with Pslyder winning the first two exchanges convicingly before Grayson evened it up with two quick body shots.  Then, in the fifth exchange, he remembered the elf dropping into a crouch.  He remembered bringing his leg up to fend off the low attack.  He remembered his knee driving in towards Pslyder's jaw.

A loud crack, a flash of extreme whiteness, and unbearable pain.  That was what he remembered before he gave into the darkness.

He woke up on a couch near the ring.  Pslyder, bless him, had done what he could.  When he woke, he found his entire leg numbed and his knee immobilized in a rudimentary cast.  He wasn't on the couch long before a team from Rhydin General Hospital arrived.  They loaded him quickly, quietly, and efficiently onto a stretcher, not wanting to disrupt the duels in progress, and proceeded to transport him to Rhydin General.

The trip to the hospital and the initial happenings once he arrived were nothing but a blur.  Grayson's next conscious thought was "Muh leg...friggin'...HURTS."  He was lying in a hospital bed, his right leg in a cast from foot to mid-thigh.  Doctors and meetings came and went.  They'd done surgery on his shattered knee shortly after he got to the hospital.  It had gone well.  He would be able to walk again...with time.  He would be able to duel again...with time.  But for now, he was stuck in this hospital bed, relying on a wheelchair and a nurse to get from point a to point b, and with a helluva lot of pain ahead of him.  That'll teach you to knee a cyborg elf in the jaw.

Hold Fast,
Grayson MacLeod.
Past Holder of IceDancer, Emerald of the Duel of Fists.
Warlord of the Duel of Swords.
Past Keeper of Water.
DoF Archive
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am

Re: Part 1

Post by DoF Archive » Thu May 20, 2004 12:02 pm

Date: 6/24/2003 11:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Pslyder FTA

Thaht does it, Ah'm gettin' a warnin' tattooed on mah forehead. . ."WARNING:  Forceful contact may result in bodily injury" 'r somethin' like thaht. . .